Life Lessons from 9/11

September 11th, is the 10th Anniversary of the destruction of the World Trade Centre Twin Towers inNew York City

On September 11th 2001 Muslim terrorists flew passenger planes into the Towers

11/2 hours later the Towers collapsed

There are valuable Life Lessons that we can learn from this terrible tragedy

1/ Death can come for us at any moment

On Sept 11th thousands of people were working in theTwinTowers

None of them thought they would die that day

3,000 people did die that day!

We like to think we have control over our lives, even our death – we do not!

Did you have control over your birth?

No, and in the same way, you have no control over your death

God decides when you are born and God decides when you die!

1 Samuel 20: 3 ‘I’m only one step away from death’

The day the Twin Towers collapsed, God decided that Genelle Guzman-McMillan (Author of ‘Angel in the Rubble’) would live

When thousands of other people died, she survived

She was the last survivor pulled from the wreckage

2/ You can choose to go to Heaven before you die

It is not enough to say you believe in God

Muslims believe in God but are not saved

Buddhist believe in Heaven (Buddhists say ‘Nirvana’) but are not saved

Hindus believe in millions of gods but are not saved

The Devil believes in God but is not saved (James 2: 19)

We are saved when we call out to Jesus, confess Him as Saviour and Lord

Acts 2: 21 ‘Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’

As Genelle lay trapped under the rubble of the Twin Towers, she called out to the Lord and as she did an Angel took her by the hand reassuring her that she would survive

3/ Life is short, so live it for Jesus!

Most people today live their lives for their own pleasure – which means one thing – doing everything to get more money!

Genelle had lived a selfish life, working hard all week so that she could spend all her money on pleasure, drinking, parties, night clubs

But, when God gave her a 2nd chance she began to live for the Lord

She now spends her whole life testifying about God’s love and her salvation experience

Dear Friends, our lives in this World will come to an end

Only what you do for Jesus will last forever!

1 Corinthians 7: 31 ‘This world will not last much longer’.

Come to Jesus Christ Today!

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