Saying that you are a Christian does not ‘make’/qualify you to be a Christian

Acts 19: 11-20  The Apostle Paul is in Ephesus

And through his ministry people are being healed from sickness and delivered from demons Acts 19: 11-12

Some of the Jewish people tried to copy what Paul was doing Acts 19: 13-16

7 sons of Sceva tried using the name of Jesus to caste demons out of a man

The demon possessed man over powered them and beat them up!

People who are without Jesus, unsaved, are still living in spiritual darkness, they have no power and protection against evil

They live in fear of evil, worshipping false gods, images and idols

Sacrificing food and money to ‘spirits’ in the hope of finding favour with them

God only promises power and protection against the spiritual forces of darkness to Christians, those who belong to Jesus!

Mark 16:17 ‘These are the miraculous signs that will accompany believers: They will use the power and authority of my name to force demons out of people’

Many people in Ephesus came to Christ because of Paul’s ministry Acts 19: 17-19

They feared and honoured the Name of Jesus V17

They openly confessed their evil deeds V18

They destroyed all the things they used in the worship of false gods V1

Just as these new Believers made great change in their lives in coming to Christ – so must we!

Real Christians do not live half in the ‘dark’ and half in the ‘light’

Last week a famous singer died young

Whitney Houston claimed to be a Christian – but was she?

Her funeral was even held in a Church

But, her lifestyle said differently – She…

Was a cocaine addict and smoked marijuana

Got drunk and lived immorally

May have been a practising lesbian

Used offensive language

Saying that you are a Christian does not ‘make’/qualify you to be a Christian

We become a Christian when we believe in Jesus and receive new life through the re-birth of the Holy Spirit (John 3: 3-8)

When we come to Christ, we leave all darkness behind – this is called repentance John 5: 24, Acts 26: 18

Because of the great repentance of the people, the ‘word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power.’ V20

That’s what we want here in Nelson isn’t it!?

We want people to be saying…“Those Christians at the Nelson International Church are ‘on fire’ for God, they are unstoppable’!



Are you a ‘Consumer’ or a ‘Contributor’?

Matthew 10: 1-8

V1a ‘Jesus called His 12 disciples to Him and gave them…’

A disciple is a ‘consumer’ – They receive

There must come a time in our Christian lives when we become a contributor

V2a ‘These are the names of the 12 Apostles…’

An Apostle is a contributor’They give

V8b ‘These 12, Jesus sent out…freely you have received, freely give.’

 Over the last few weeks we have been talking about our Vision for 2012: We are encouraging everyone in our Church to be involved in a ministry, serving God during the week, and on Sundays; giving your time, talents and money to the service of God


People who love money more than they love God don’t like it when the Church talks about giving

This Church talks about giving because when we give, the ‘work of God’ grows and we are blessed by God personally Proverbs 11: 25 ‘The generous person will be prosperous’

1/ Plan your giving: 1 Corinthians 16:2aOn the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income,’

2/ Be generous: 2 Corinthians 8:7 ‘… I want you to excel also in this gracious ministry of giving.’

3/ “How Do I/We Give”?: Giving Envelopes at Sunday Service, Automatic Bank Transfer

4/ What your giving supports: What we need v current support

So, are you a ‘consumer’ or a ‘contributor’?

As you contribute this year with your time, talents and giving, remember this: John 17: 4 ‘I glorified You (God the Father) on earth by completing what You assigned me to do’.

Let our ‘doing’ in 2012 glorify God!

Vision 2012 Part 2

Last Sunday: ‘Stress in Ministry’

Best way to relieve stress: share the work load

This year we are asking EVERYONE in our Church to be involved in a ministry

When EVERYONE in our Church is involved in ministry: the Church will grow!

Ephesians 4:16 ‘He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part (not a few parts, some parts, most parts) does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.

Notice The Bible describes the Church as a body

In a human body, if a part doesn’t work properly: it causes problems

Example the appendix

If the appendix doesn’t work properly: becomes toxic/causes pain & poisons the whole body


2012 Mid –week ministry

‘Nation Builders’ – Missions around the corner and around the world

Matthew 28:19 ‘go and make disciples of all nations’

This Group will meet once a Month (first week of the month) for fellowship, Prayer and Planning

First Meeting: March 7th 6 p.m.

Regular Missions: Paul and Chona Ariaga in thePhilippines

Frontier Missions: We will select a least reached people Group to support like the Pumi of China

Operation Friendship: reaching International Students in Nelson for Christ

Paul and Ruth Shelling: onPitcairn Island

Blenheim Outreach: Church planting

‘Experiencing God’ – Helping you to know God better

This Course: will run from April 11th to August

2nd, 3rd, 4th week of the Month

An English Group at night

A Chinese Group during the day

Psalm 110:3Your people will volunteer freely in the day of Your power’