The most important issues in Life are…

John 4: 6-9 Jesus has a conversation with a woman at a well

If you had the opportunity, like this woman, to have a conversation with Jesus – What would you ask Him?

How to be more successful in Life?

How to be happy?

How to make more money?

These questions are important – RIGHT? – Not as important as you may think

Jesus did not discuss any of these questions with her

Because there are more important issues in Life that need answers

So, what did Jesus and this woman talk about?

1/ What is the Source of Eternal Life?

John 4: 10-11 People are confused about Eternal Life

Jesus said that He/Himself was the Source of Eternal Life! V13-14

Without water, every living thing dies

Without Christ, our spirit/soul dies too

2/ Why is my Life a mess?

John 4: 16-18

She had 5 Husbands and was living with another man

Was she unfaithful to her husbands and they divorced her?

Whatever the problems were, Sin was at the heart of her mess

Sin is the Source of all suffering

Sin is the Human ‘condition’ without Christ

3/ How do I worship God?

John 4: 20

Is the right place to worship God…A Cathedral? ATemple? A Mosque?

No, the place means nothing -it is about the Person we worship!

V 23-24

You can only, truly, worship God, if you know Him

4/ Who is Jesus Christ?

John 4: 9 She recognized Jesus as a Jew

John 4: 11 She respected Him and called Him ‘Sir’

John 4: 19 She suspected He was a Prophet

Jesus Christ is more than just a Jew, a great Teacher, a Prophet V 25-26

He is the Savior of the World V 39-42

Success, happiness and money are not the most important issues in Life!

Yet, just about everyone thinks they are

The most important issues are Eternal Life, Sin, Knowing God and receiving Jesus Christ as your Savior

Our lives are to be lived, not as TAKERS, for our own selfish gain, but as GIVERS, for the glory of God!

Acts 19: 21-22  Paul is in Ephesus

It’s easy to ‘skip’ over a passage like this one “It’s so boring – let’s get to Paul’s next exciting adventure!”

Big mistake!

There is a very important lesson for us in this passage

The Church in Ephesus is now strong

Paul is planning to go back to the new Churches he started on his 2nd Mission trip Acts 19: 21

Then go back to Jerusalem (1 Corinthians 1: 15-16)

From Jerusalem he would go to Rome to visit the Christians there

Rome would be his base for a new Mission to Spain (Romans 15: 24-28)

Paul was a great Preacher, soul Winner and Church ‘Planter’

He also had a great burden for the suffering of his fellow Christians (2 Corinthians 11: 28)

At this time, the Christians in the Jerusalem Church were suffering The economy in Israel was in recession

Paul was organizing a generous offering to be collected from the new Churches and given to the Church in Jerusalem for disaster relief (1 Corinthians 16: 1-4, 2 Corinthians 8: 1 – 9: 15, Romans 15: 25-28)

Paul sends Timothy and Erastus ahead to help with the collection Acts 19: 22

This special collection took 1 year to organize and Paul was expecting it to be a generous offering (2 Corinthians 9: 1-5)

This Easter we need to remember that God wants us to be GIVERS too

Just like the Christians here in the Book of Acts – GIVING to be a blessing to others!

Our giving:

Honours the Lord 2 Corinthians 8: 19 ‘…we are doing this ….to bring honour to the Lord…’

Shows our eagerness to help 2 Corinthians 8: 19 ‘…and to show our eager readiness as Christians to help one another’.

Provides a testimony of the goodness of God 2 Corinthians 9:13 ‘…others will praise God…for your generosity…’

Unites us with those who receive our giving 2 Corinthians 9:14 ‘And in their prayers for you their hearts will go out to you…’

Produces blessings in our lives 2 Corinthians 9:11 ‘You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion’

This Easter we also need to remember that Jesus Christ GAVE His life for us on the cross to save us – from disaster! 2 Corinthians 5: 21 ‘Christ never sinned, but God put our sin on Him. Then we are made right with God because of what Christ has done for us’.

When we fully understand this truth – it transforms us

Our lives are to be lived, not as TAKERS, for our own selfish gain, but as GIVERS, for the glory of God!