When fellow Christians treat you unfairly you can be sure that there is another ‘issue’ more important to them than Jesus, and, this ‘issue’ puts them in opposition to you

Acts 21: 20b – 36 Part 1

The Apostle Paul is in Jerusalem meeting with the Leaders of the Jerusalem Church

As Witnesses for Jesus, there will be times when we are treated unfairly by some of our fellow Christians

These people don’t start out treating other Christians unfairly

They start, like we all do

Devoted to Jesus, loving other Christians and reaching out to the lost

But, they change

Instead of being devoted to Jesus, they become devoted to other things

This is what happened in the Church inJerusalem

Acts 21: 20b ‘…Paul, you can see how many thousands of Jews have become believers and how devoted they all are to the Law’.

The Jewish Christians in the Church in Jerusalem began their salvation experience by being devoted to Jesus, but afterward they began to believe that trusting in Jesus only was not enough to be saved!

So, to assure themselves of their salvation they believed that they had to devote themselves to the law

What is the law that they were so devoted to?

Everything contained in the Old Testament

Three main issues these Jewish Christians devoted themselves to

1/ Old Testament customs

2/ Worship in the Temple 

3/ Following Moses Teaching

When fellow Christians treat you unfairly you can be sure that there is another ‘issue’ more important to them than Jesus, and, this ‘issue’ puts them in opposition to you

1/ Suspicion

Acts 21: 21 ‘…they (the Church inJerusalem) have been informed that you…’

Notice: They didn’t ask Paul directly about these issues, they believed what others said about him and treated him with suspicion

In the same way, some Christians will treat you unfairly, with suspicion, when they believe untrue rumours, criticism and complaints about you

2/ Pressure

Acts 21: 22-25 V23 ‘…do what we tell you.’

Notice: They were pressuring Paul to accept to their beliefs, ‘…so that everybody will know there is no truth in these reports about you…’ V24

In the same way, some Christians will treat you unfairly by pressuring you to accept their beliefs

Beware: Your relationship with Jesus is being threatened

Listen to the Apostle Paul

Galatians 2:5…we refused to give in to them for a single moment. We wanted to preserve the truth of the gospel message for you’.

In all the 30 years of the Great Apostle Paul’s ministry there is just one possible criticism of him

Paul did what they asked him to do V26

Important Point: Paul didn’t give in to their pressure; he never believed that a person could be saved by being devoted to the law

Galatians 2: 16 ‘…we know we cannot become right with God by obeying the Law. A person is made right with God by putting his trust in Jesus Christ.’

Paul did what they asked for another reason – that he might be offered ‘speaking rights’ to the Jewish people – Paul took any opportunity given him to speak to others about salvation in Jesus

1 Corinthians 9: 22 ‘…I become all things to all people, that I may save some of them by whatever means are possible’.

Next Week: Part 2 of this Message

Unfair Treatment from some Christians towards you doesn’t end with Suspicion and Pressure

It escalates into Accusation

but ends with Abandonment