Unfair Treatment from some Christians towards you doesn’t end with Suspicion and Pressure, it escalates into Accusations but ends in Abandonment

Acts 21: 20b – 36 Part 2

The Apostle Paul is in Jerusalem meeting with the Leaders of the Jerusalem Church

The Jewish Christians (in Jerusalem) were in conflict with the Apostle Paul; theyhoped for salvation through observance/keeping of the Old Testament ‘Law’ instead of trusting in Jesus alone!  Acts 21: 20b

 This conflict caused them to treat Paul unfairly

 1/ Suspicion

 Acts 21: 21 ‘…they (the Church in Jerusalem) have been informed that you…’

 In the same way, some Christians will treat you unfairly, with suspicion, when they believe untrue rumours, criticism and complaints about you

2/ Pressure

Acts 21: 22-25    V23‘…do what we tell you.’

In the same way, some Christians will treat you unfairly by pressuring you to accept their beliefs and ways

Unfair Treatment from some Christians towards you doesn’t end with Suspicion and Pressure

3/ Accusation

Paul goes into the TempleActs 21: 27-29

Jews from Asia (Where Paul had spent at least 3 years planting new Churches) saw him and began to accuse him of (1) ‘breaking the law’ and (2) bringing Gentiles into the restricted Jewish area of the Temple Acts 21: 28-29

(1) The Jews, including the Jewish Christians in Jerusalem believed that by observing/keeping the ‘law’ they would be saved

Paul did not believe that, he said that the true purpose of the ‘law’ was to make us aware of our own Sin

Romans 3:20 ‘For no one is put right in God’s sight by doing what the Law requires; what the Law does is to make us know that we have sinned.’

It is only when we become aware of our Sin that we are willing to turn to the only Savior – Jesus!

Galatians 3:24The Law was used to lead us to Christ…and so we were made right with God by putting our trust in Christ’.

(2) They saw Trophimus (a Gentile Believer from Ephesus) with Paul in the City, but they did not see Paul bring him into the Temple

When some of your fellow Christians treat you unfairly and accuse you of things that are untrue, know this…

(1) They are spiritually immature and limited in their knowledge of God ways

(2) They simply don’t know the facts about you and are ‘making up’ their own version of events

4/ Abandonment

The people attack Paul, dragging him out of the Temple, they beat him up and try to kill him, but is rescued by the Roman soldiers Acts 21: 30-36

The people demand his execution

Acts 21: 36‘…away with him!’

This was the same demand the crowds made about Jesus whom they also abandoned!

Luke 23: 18‘…the whole crowd shouted, “Away with this Man…kill him, and release Barabbas to us!”

From Paul’s arrest in Jerusalem (Acts 21), through his many trials (Acts 22 Acts 26) and his journey to Rome for trial before the Roman Emperor (Acts 27 Acts 28)

Paul is abandoned by the Church in Jerusalem!

They don’t speak up for him in his defence

They don’t help him in any way

They never see him again

Like with Paul, sometimes, your fellow Christians will even abandon you; it’s the final act of unfair treatment towards you

They won’t fellowship with you any more

They won’t call you any more

They avoid you

Don’t despair…you are not alone!

Every faithful Witness of Jesus has been treated this way at some time

God is about to give you another opportunity to glorify Him!

Prayer for those who have suffered from unfair treatment