How To Make A True Friend (Part 2)

One of the great pleasures in life is making a true friend

A friendship that lasts a life-time!

One of the great true friend stories in the Bible is between Jonathan and David

1/ Trust God to bring a true friend into your life

1 Samuel 17: 57 – 58, 1 Samuel 18: 1

2/ True Friends are loyal                       

When God brings a true friend into your life, that friendship will be tested

King Saul became jealous of David’s success and planned to harm him 1 Samuel 19: 1a

But, Jonathan showed great loyalty to David and protected him

1 Samuel 19: 1b & 2a

Testimony Here’s another Henry story

About 18 months ago, someone, who used to come to this Church tried to harm my true friend, Henry

I immediately warned Henry what was happening and asked the person to meet with Henry and me to explain what he was doing

That person refused to meet with us and is no longer in our Church

3/A True Friend will make your life better

God brings blessings into your Life through true friendship

Jonathan had the resources to make David’s life better

1 Samuel 20:4‘Jonathan said to David, “I’ll do anything you want me to do for you.”

David had nothing that Jonathan needed, how could David make Jonathan’s life better?

1 Samuel 20: 12& 15 ‘Jonathan said to David…if I die; never stop showing this kindness to my family. Be faithful to us…’

Jonathan’s life came to an end on the battlefield

David then becomes the new King of Israel and brings Jonathan’s only remaining son to live with him in the palace

2 Samuel 9:11So Jonathan’s son (Mephibosheth) ate at David’s table like one of the king’s sons.’

“Henry, thank you for making my life better”!

1.   Ask God to bring a true friend into your life

2.   Protect your friendship with loyalty

3.   Find a way to make the life of your true friend better

Next Time: Should We Have Friends Who Are Not Christians?