Getting Through The ‘Storms’ In Life Part 2

Acts 27: 1-44, 28: 1-10

The Apostle Paul is under arrest and is taken by ship from Caesarea to Rome where he will appeal his case to the Roman Emperor Acts 27: 1-2

It is unlikely that we will ever be in a storm at sea in our lifetime – but, it is very likely that we will experience ‘storms’ in our lives of a different kind – sickness, unfaithfulness in a marriage, a death in the Family, financial problems

2/ ‘Storms’ in Life reveal trust issues

What, or Who will you trust in the storms of Life?

Non-Christians on board the ship trusted in 3 things

► They trusted in their own good ideas

See Part 1 of this Message

► They trusted in their own resources

V16 ‘…make the lifeboat secure…’
V17a ‘…passed ropes under the ship to hold it together…’
V17b ‘…they lowered the sea anchor…’
V29 ‘…threw 4 anchors from the stern…’

Their ship was being torn apart by the storm but they still trusted in their own resources – the ship, its lifeboat, ropes and anchors

Your resources, like, your money, and other assets, will not save you in the storms in Life

► They trusted in their own superstitions

What is superstition? = Trusting in anything other than Jesus

These sailors trusted the false gods of the sea called ‘Castor’ and ‘Pollux’ Acts 27: 21, 33, Acts 28: 11

‘Castor’ and ‘Pollux’ were twin gods, in Western superstition, they are called ‘Gemini’, one of the 12 signs of the zodiac

Superstitions will not save you from the storms in Life

The non-Christians on this doomed ship were trusting in their…

Own good ideas = got them into a worse situation
Own resources = destroyed on the rocks
Own superstitions = which just made them hungry

What, or Who did the Apostle Paul trust? Acts 27: 21-25

John 16: 33 ‘In the world you will have much trouble…I have told you all this so that trusting Me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace.’

Next: Part 3 of this Message