The Christian Life is more than just knowing about God (in our head) – it’s about experiencing God, having a life changing encounter with God!

Story: About 25 years ago my Grandmother was in one of our Services

At the end of the Service, my Dad said to her “Grandma, do you want to receive Jesus as your Lord and Saviour”?

She said “Good gracious no, I’m an Anglican!” (Church of England)

Been an Anglican all her life, knew about God, but did not know God!

Jesus said through knowing God we receive eternal Life

John 17:3 ‘this is eternal life: to know…the only true God’

Jesus went on to say that we can only know God through Him John 14: 6-9

Do you know God; have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?

When you truly know God, then the great adventure of experiencing Him begins!

Ephesians 3:20 ‘Now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us’

Illustration: Abraham experienced God, and God did some truly amazing things for him Genesis 12: 1-3

What was the ‘key’ to Abraham experiencing God? Genesis 12: 4a

Because Abraham was obedient to God

Romans 4: 11 ‘Abraham is the spiritual father of all believers’

Romans 4: 13 ‘God promised to give the world to Abraham’

It’s never too late to begin the exciting adventure of experiencing God!

Genesis 12: 4b ‘Abraham was 75 years old’

Don’t worry about how you will experience God, what God wants you to do, or how God will bless you

Philippians 2:13 ‘For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him’.

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