21 Mums

I do not believe we fully understand this Pandora’s Box Marriage Legislation, where within 10yrs
the next frontier will be multiple partners, all in the name of human rights
I do not believe there is adequate study done on the issue of personal identity of kids raised by
2 dads or 2 mums, or eventually 3 dads and 5 mums, or 9 dads and 21 mums
I do not believe this issue has been debated fully, completely and comprehensively
I do not believe our pragmatic politicians care for the moral climate of the country, nor do they
listen to the will of the people (moral asset sales)
I do not believe we have politicians with moral courage in our hive of bees, where political spin
becomes a disease with one aim: the retention of power
I do not believe that our ancestors or forefathers would comprehend or welcome this change
I do not believe those who died in wars for our liberty would welcome this moral change
I do not believe our descendents, whose gender identity will become even more confused will
welcome this watershed moral change
I do not believe that unborn kids have a voice in this issue, no one ever talks about their rights:
my unborn kids deserve a mum and a dad, logic declares it, observation witnesses it,
study reveals it, common sense declares it
I do not believe Christian ministers will not be required to perform gay marriages against their
conscience, and thus be guilty of ‘hate speech’ leading to imprisonment
I do not believe that Christians who look to the moral standards of the Bible will not be thrown to
the political and media lions, for coliseum entertainment
I do not believe any good will come of this further liberalisation of traditional values, which have
not been tried and found wanting, they have simply not been tried

If this legislation passes then as the politicians clap and cheer at the so-called ‘victory’ a great
wail will go up from ancestors and descendents alike, as we step further to the moral fiscal cliff.
Our jails are full, our rates of domestic violence are the highest in the world, our crime rate soars,
society is sick and we think that liberal laws and the sexualisation of the young will fix it.

Kids have a right to be raised by a mum and a dad. We have not strengthened that traditional
family picture for a generation and we wonder why the social fabric crumbles, why we need
to spend over a billion dollars a month on welfare.

We think to further liberalise the gender roles and doing away with the terms ’husband’ and wife’
is ’less discriminatory’ more ‘loving and accepting’. Bar humbug. Confused genders roles
means a greater social breakdown, more moral decay, more cynical laughter, more ignorant
platitudes, increased sexualisation of the young, and the imposition of all this crap upon those
who hold to a Biblical worldview, to the point of imprisonment. Freedom of speech…. yeah right.

We live in an age of techno-fodder, overwhelmed daily by a growing plethora of media carnage,
explicit tv violence and sexual imagery. And no one knows where it will all lead. But the Bible does.
It talks of a time in human history when right will be called wrong, and wrong will be called right,
prior to a Judgement Day, an Armageddon, that doesn’t feature Arnold Schwarzenegger.

We think that moral laws are ours to make and ours to break. On Judgement Day we will discover
to our horror this is not the case. We cannot break the law of gravity without paying a high price.
We cannot break God’s moral law of gravity without paying a high price.

Kids deserve a mum and a dad. Anything less is not the ideal. In all the raucous debate and
name-calling its funny how the rights of the kids are never mentioned. More fool us.

I do not believe that is silence I hear this morning as I walk along a quiet waterfront before dawn.
It is the haunting wail of an unborn child, pleading to be raised by a mum and a dad.

Jules Riding – March 5, 2013

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