5 things I will not do to hurt our Church

After many years as a Pastor I have seen that it is not people outside the Church that hurt the church, it is people inside the Church that hurt the Church

Ephesians 5: 25 ‘…Jesus loves the Church…’

If Jesus loves the Church we should do all that we can not to hurt the Church, but to love it too!

1/ I will not cause division in our Church

Division is the # 1 trouble in all churches worldwide

Divisions starts by someone having a bad attitude about the Church

The bad attitude turns into complaining

“I don’t like how things are done in this Church”

“I don’t like the Leaders in this Church”

“I don’t like the Bible teaching in this Church”

Their complaining soon poisons the minds of other people Acts 14: 2

We must protect ourselves against complaining people

Romans 16: 17 “I urge you, my friends: watch out for those who cause divisions and upset people’s faith and go against the teaching which you have received. Keep away from them”!

Jude 1: 19 ‘These are the people who cause divisions, who are controlled by their natural desires, who do not have the Holy Spirit’

2/ I will not speak negatively about our Church

Some people think it is OK to complain and criticise the Church

It is not OK!

Proverbs 18: 21 ‘Death and life are in the power of the tongue’

Are we speaking ‘death’ into our Church or ‘life’?

Our speech should be ‘life-giving’

‘Life-giving’ speech encourages and builds up people in the Church

3/ I will not reject a genuine seeker who comes to our Church

All different kinds of people come to our Church

We must accept and love them all

Different cultures: Matthew 28: 19 ‘…make disciples of all nations…’

Poor people: James 2: 5 ‘…God has chosen the poor to be rich in faith…’

Deeply troubled people: Matthew 5:3 ‘Great blessings belong to those who know they are spiritually in need’

Example: Deeply troubled people – Richard

4/ I will not abandon our Church in prayer

Without prayer, our church will have people in it, but, it will be empty of God’s presence

Mark 11: 15-17

Jesus found the House of God full of people. They were there for… social reasons only, buying, selling, gossiping, eating and drinking and having a good time

Jesus kicked them all out and said…‘My house will be called a house of prayer for the nations; you’ve turned it into a place to hangout…’

5/ I will not withhold my finances from our Church

Because you gave today…

We can pay for these facilities

We can pay our Pastors

We can pay all the Church’s taxes and bills

We can send money to support our Ministries

Lack of finances cripple the work of God

That’s why the Bible says; 2 Corinthians 8: 7 ‘I want you to excel also in this gracious act of giving’

Let’s love our Church as Jesus loves our Church!

1/ Create and guard unity – no division

2/ Speak life – no death

3/ Accept and love all people – no prejudice

4/ Pray for God’s presence – no ‘empty’ religion

5/ Give generously – no lack

Then God will be glorified in His people!

10 reasons to believe in the existence of God

God designed and created the Universe, the Heavens and the Earth, the visible and the invisible…and His greatest work…Mankind

Romans 1:19-20 ‘For the truth about God is known to us instinctively. God has put this knowledge in our hearts. From the time the World was created, people have seen the Earth and Sky and all that God made. They can clearly see God’s invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine Nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God.’

See also: Genesis 2:7

2. The limit of Science

It can explain a lot but cannot explain the most important question…‘what is the meaning and reason of Human life?’

1 Corinthians 2:14 ‘…people who are not Christians cannot understand these truths from God’s Spirit…’

3. The problem with the theory of Evolution

According to this theory
Life began as an accident, a ‘big bang’ billions & billions of years ago
Humans are simply monkey ‘upgrades’
There is no God, no Heaven
There is no sin, people are basically good

Let me pick up on just one of these points…‘Man’ is basically good.

My answer to that is…the longer I live and the more I see the results of human nature the more I am convinced that mankind is not basically good…in fact ‘Man’ is basically evil!

See also: Genesis 6:5

4. The desire of ‘Mans’ heart to know God

Our heart has an inner instinct to know God

Ecclesiastes 3:11 ‘…He has planted eternity in the human heart…’

EG ‘Homing pigeon’ has an inner instinct to fly home: to destinations up to 3,000 kms away without a map!

5. God’s actions throughout history

Genesis 1:1 ‘In the beginning God…’

6. The Nation of Israel

The Nation of Israel has the greatest recorded History (of over 4,000 years) of any nation on Earth. Their continued existence, survival and prosperity can only be explained by the fact of God’s direct ‘dealings’ with them

Genesis 12:2 ‘…I will make you a great nation…’

7. The claims of Jesus

Many people say “I would believe in God if I saw Him”

Well, if you lived in Israel 2,000 years ago you would have seen God ! ! !

Jesus is the VISIBLE EXPRESSION of the invisible God

Matthew 1:21-23 ‘…she will have a Son…conceived in her…of the Holy Spirit…you shall call His name Jesus…God with us.’

See also John 5:18 Titus 2:13 Colossians 1:15 Hebrews 1:3

8. Miracles

How do you explain…
The Earth’s rotation stopping for a few hours? Joshua 10:13
Reversing the rotation of the Earth? Isaiah 38:8
Jesus resurrection from death Matthew 28:6

Concerning the resurrection of Jesus…if this were a hoax/not true, then why did the Disciples allow themselves to be executed because of this belief…no person would willing die for a lie!

9. The details of Life

Psalm 139:1-6 ff. The Message: ‘I look behind me and You are there, then up ahead and You are there too’

God is intimately involved in every moment and event in our lives

I call these ‘God moments’

Those who do not know God call it…

luck, co-incidence, serendipity, déjà vu, fate and providence

10. Your Story

I believe that God exists because I see the evidence in your life – you are different now because you have been ‘born again’!

Your testimony is so powerful and persuasive; you would even ‘stake your life’ on it that God exists ! ! !

Acts 17:27 2 Corinthians 5:17 Revelation 12:11

We all want God to speak to us – but there is a reason He does not

Let’s see what we can learn about experiencing God from the Life of Moses

1/ God is working in our Life even when we don’t know it

2/ God takes the initiative to draw us to Himself

3/ God invites us to join Him in His purposes

4/ God speaks to us

Exodus 3: 4b

We all want God to speak to us – but there is a reason He does not

When Moses left Egypt with the People of God – He left behind its…

Hebrews 11:25-26 ‘…pleasures…and treasures…’

That’s our problem!

Many Christians’ lives are still full of the ‘…pleasures…and treasures…’ of this World

Their hearts are still in the ‘World’, not in God

If your heart is in the ‘World’, you will never hear from God

Moses was fully surrendered to God, many Christians are not

God says of Moses Numbers 12: 7-8 ‘…Moses is faithful…with him I speak clearly…’

What does it mean to be faithful?

Illustrate I have been faithful to Jennifer in our 36 years of Marriage (May 14th)

Because I am faithful, she still speaks to me!

If your heart is not faithful to God, your hearing from God/sense of guidance will be in Numbers 12: 8 ‘…riddles;’

riddle = mystery

When your hearing from God/sense of guidance is a mystery, you will become the source of your own guidance

This is not only stupid, it is dangerous!

We go ahead and do what we want to do and say…“If God doesn’t want me to do that, He will close the door”

Or…“If God does want me to do that, He will open the door”

Another idea we have is to set up a ‘For & Against’ list

Our list usually comes out ‘For’, because that is what we want anyway

Do you want to hear from God?

Philippians 3:19 ‘…All they think about are the things of this world. In the end they will be destroyed’.

Philippians 3:20 ‘…we are citizens of heaven…’