Struggling with God

What we can learn about experiencing God from the Life of Moses

1/ God is working in our Life even when we don’t know it

2/ God takes the initiative to draw us to Himself

3/ God invites us to join Him in His purposes

4/ God speaks to us

5/ We struggle with God

Why did Moses struggle with God?

God said to Moses Exodus 3: 10 ‘So now I am sending you to Pharaoh. Go! Lead my people, the Israelites, out of Egypt’.

Immediately, Moses made 5 excuses Exodus 3: 11, 13, Exodus 4: 1, 10, 13

I’m not good enough, I don’t know what to say, people won’t accept me, I’m too dumb, send someone else

God answered Moses 5 excuses Exodus 3: 12, 14, Exodus 4: 8-9, 11, 14-17

I will be with you, this what you will say, I will show them my power through you, I will help you, I will send your brother to assist you and I will help you both

Did God ask Moses to ‘go’ or did He command him to ‘go’?

Exodus 3: 10 ‘…I am sending you…’

Commanded him to go

God isn’t asking you to serve Him; He is commanding you to serve Him!

We think God gives us a choice to serve Him, He does not!

Exodus 4: 14a ‘…the Lord’s anger burned against Moses…’

What do you think will happen to you if God is angry with you?

You will…Suffer, Get hurt – Might even die before you time

Exodus 4: 24 ‘On the way to Egypt, Moses stopped for the night. There the Lord met him and was about to kill him…’

If you continue to make excuses He will certainly withhold His blessings in your Life

You will see others getting blessed, but you will not

He will withhold the one thing you desire in your Life

What was God’s plan for His people?

On their journey to the Promised Land Moses disobeyed God again! Numbers 20: 7-11

Numbers 20:12 ‘Then the Lord spoke to Moses …Because you did not trust me enough to show me as holy before the Israelites, therefore you will not bring this People into the land I have given them.’

Moses died on Mt. Nebo

He saw his blessing, but he could not have it!

Dear Friends, yes, part of Experiencing God is to struggle with God

Stop struggling – obey Him!

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