How does God speak to us today?

1/ God speaks to us through His word

Apostle Paul said, Ephesians 6: 12 ‘…dark world…’

You mean dark like night time? No! ‘…dark world…’ = spiritually dark

In this spiritually ‘dark world’ we can stumble around not knowing the path way forward

Illustrate ‘Mythbusters’ TV program Theory: it is impossible for a person, blindfolded (can’t see – its dark) to walk in a straight line
Several experiments and found the theory to be true/walking in a wide direction/sometimes in circles
Person said “I thought I was walking in a straight line”!

In the dark, like night time, we can’t walk in a straight line

Same is true in the spiritual dark

Jesus said, Matthew 7:13 ‘There are two paths before you…the wide path is broad; the wide, broad path is easy, and the wide, broad, easy path has many, many people on it; but the wide, broad, easy, crowded path leads to death. The narrow path leads to Life – God’s Kingdom’

Psalm 119:105 ‘By your words I can see where I’m going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path’

Are you reading God’s word every day – If you are not, how can you expect God to speak to you; you will stumble around in the ‘dark’ unable to find the narrow path that leads to Life?

2/ God speaks to us through Prayer

As you pray, God will speak to you by the Holy Spirit

John 14:15-18 ‘Jesus said to his disciples: If you love me, you will do as I command. Then I will ask the Father to send you the Holy Spirit who will help you and always be with you. The Holy Spirit will show you what is true…I won’t leave you like orphans…’

Isn’t that interesting ‘…I won’t leave you like orphans…’

What is an orphan? – A child without parents

What do parents do? – Provide love and guidance for their children

Illustrate Zimbabwe: Bulawayo I visited an Orphanage
When the children saw me they immediately came to me and took my hand and wanted to talk

Why? They had no parents/they needed love and guidance

A child without a parent is completely ‘lost’!

Are you praying every day – if you are not, how can you expect God to speak to you, you will be ‘lost’, just like an orphan

God Is Not An Equal Opportunity Saviour

‘God the Father, possessing all power and all knowledge, from eternity chose the specific individuals He would save; God the Son, possessing all power and all knowledge, became flesh in order to propitiate the wrath of the Father by dying in the place of those whom the Father had chosen; and God the Holy Spirit, possessing all power and all knowledge, irresistibly and in due time gives the persons elected by the Father and ransomed by the Son the faith and salvation that Christ earned for them.
The doctrine of the Atonement, is undemocratic; it clashes with the modern ideals of equality and equal opportunity. But God is not an equal opportunity Saviour. Christ died for and prays for only those whom the Father sent Him to save. It is to them alone that the gift of faith will be given. It is them alone that Christ actually saves. Their salvation illustrates the mercy of God, for they have no claim on their Creator, and they are as sinful as those damned. Salvation is a gift of God to His people from beginning to end. The damnation of the reprobate illustrates God’s justice. Both the elect and the damned illustrates God’s sovereignty’.

Ephesians 1: 3-14

Author: John Robbins