How do you know if you are a self centred person? Your attitude to money!

Are you a Self centred person or a God centred person?

Luke 12: 16-21

1/ Self centred people love money more than God

Luke 12: 17a ‘…he said to himself, “what should I do”…?’

Self centred people make their own decisions about ‘their’ life

Self centred people say “This is my Life and I will do what I want with it”

Self centred people have no time for God, they make their own plans because they are afraid that God has other plans for their Life that don’t include money

2/ Self centred people love money more than people

Luke 12: 19a ‘…I will…say to myself, my friend…’

He referred to himself as ‘friend’!

I don’t think this man had any family, relatives or friends

Self centred people have poor relationships with people because they don’t want other people to get their money – they use people to get money

Luke 12: 20b ‘…who will get everything you worked for’?

3/ Self centred people love money more than eternal Life

Luke 12: 19b ‘…“My friend, you have enough stored away for years to come…’

Self centred people spend every waking hour accumulating wealth for their retirement

I would like to ask this man

“How do you know you have years to come”?

Q. What does God say about self centred people?

James 5:5 ‘You have spent your years on earth in luxury, satisfying your every desire. You have fattened yourselves for the day of slaughter’

Luke 12:20 “But God said to him, ‘You fool! You will die this very night’.

This man died early and never got to enjoy anything he worked to get!

This man did not know God – Money was more important to him than God

This man did not have family, relatives or friends – Money was more important to him than people

This man died young – Money was more important to him than eternal Life

How do you know if you are a self centred person?

Your attitude to money will be the same as this man

Money before God – Money before people – Money before eternal Life

Repenting of our self centeredness and becoming God centered

“Lord, I acknowledge that I am a self centered person, I am in rebellion against You, I am sinning against You. But, today, I turn away from what I want and I surrender my Life fully to the Lordship of Christ – I surrender my Life to what You want!”