Are You A False Believer Or True Believer? (PART 6)

8/ As True Believers we love Jesus more than anything else

How do you know if someone loves Jesus more than anything else?

They talk about Jesus more than they talk about anything else

1 John 4: 15 ‘…confess…’

I am very suspicious of someone who claims to be a Christian but they do not talk about Jesus more than anything else

Q. What do they talk about?

A. They talk about everything except Jesus

1 John 4: 5 ‘…they belong to the World, so they talk the world’s language…’

Sadly, many people are deceived about what it means to be a True Believer:

Many people think that being a good person and coming to Church qualifies them to be a True Believer – a Christian

It does not!

Jesus said in John 8: 42 ‘If God were your Father, you would love Me.’

Loving Jesus more than anything else reveals whether you are a False Believer or a True Believer

Who, or what, is first place in your heart?

1 John 5: 21

9/ As True Believers we know that we are saved

1 John 5: 11-13

Wow! Wonderful isn’t it!?

As True Believers we have all certainty that we are saved

We believe that eternal life is in Jesus alone, and that when we receive Jesus as Savior and Lord, we are saved

1 John 5: 20b

If you don’t have eternal Life, you have a problem

God will judge you and condemn you for your unbelief

John 3: 18 – 20

Dear Friends, are you saved?

“Pastor David, I don’t know, I’m not sure”

Make sure today! John 3: 36

Are You A False Believer Or True Believer? (PART 5)

1 John

1/ As True Believers, we know we are Sinners
1 John 1: 8

2/ As True Believers, we obey God’s Word
1 John 2: 5

3/ As True Believers, we do not love this World
1 John 2: 15

4/ As True Believers, we come to Church every Sunday

5/ As True Believers, we live for the soon return of Jesus Christ to the Earth

6/ As True Believers, we do not wilfully sin against God

7/ As True Believers, we love each other

1 John 3: 14a ‘If we love our brothers and sisters who are believers, it proves that we have passed from death to life’.

The word used here for ‘love’ is the same word used in

John 3: 16 ‘For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life’.

God showed His love for us through Christ’s death on the cross
His love saved us!

If you believe!?

God’s love for us did not finish at the cross

God continues to show His love to us, through our love for our Christian brothers and sisters

1 John 3: 16

Here are some ways we can show God’s love for others

Spend time with your Christian brothers and sisters

Encouraging them

Pray for them

Give them what they need to have a better life

Example: Me with Pastor Wilson in Zimbabwe

Spent time talking with him, getting to know him

I encouraged him

I prayed for him

I gave him what he needed to make his life better

(He had not been paid for 5 years!)

When we show God’s love to our Christian brothers and sisters like this, God makes sure that we are blessed in return!

Galatians 6:9 ‘So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up’.

I have a Christian brother who shows me God’s love, he makes my life better!

He spends time with me

He encourages me

He prays for me

He gives me what I need to make my life better

(Earlier this year he painted our house for us)

* I have an assignment for you this week:

Think of someone (right now) in our Church

Write down their name

Do something this week to show God’s love for them; do something to make their life better