The Promise Of God To Bless You – Part 5

Luke 15: 11-32

Jesus tells a story about a father and his younger son

The father represents God – the younger son represents us

From this story we learn that when we turn away from God, God will not turn away from us.

God will not reject us, He will receive us back to Himself and restore us to his blessings!

But, God will only receive us back to Himself when we repent

Repentance is us changing our mind about living in rebellion to God, turning away from sinful living and returning to God Luke 15: 20-24

1/ when we repent, we see what life is really like apart from God

2/ when we repent, we come back from the ‘dead’

3/ when we repent, our attitude to God changes

Luke 15:17-18 ‘when he finally came to his senses, he said to himself…I will go home to my father’

Q. Who caused the younger son to repent?

A. God did! Repentance is a gift from God!

2 Timothy 2:25 ‘Be gentle when you try to teach those who are against what you say in the hope that God will give them repentance’

Acts 11:18 “We can see that God has also given the Gentiles the privilege of repenting of their sins and receiving eternal life.”

Romans 2:4 ‘Do you have contempt for God, who is very kind to you, puts up with you, and deals patiently with you? Don’t you realize that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance’?
We like to think that we can repent anytime we want to.

We think: “I will live my life how I want to and when I’m old and at the end of my life, then I will repent and turn to God”

Sorry, it doesn’t work like that: God gives us repentance as a gift – on His terms, not on ours, in His time, not ours!

How does it make you feel knowing that – how does that affect your attitude to God?

Me: I feel in awe of God’s sovereign power over my life – when I am unwilling to turn back to Him, He makes me willing, He gives me the gift of repentance

Look how the attitude of the younger son changed:

When he turned away from the love of his father; his attitude was, “Give me my inheritance, I’m out of here”
Luke 15: 12a

When he repented his attitude changed; he fell into the arms of his father, confessed his sin and begged for forgiveness! Luke 15: 21

Luke 15: 24 ‘this son of mine was dead and has now returned to life. He was lost, but now he is found.’

Who found the younger son and how did he return to life?

God found him and raised him to new life!

In the same way as the younger son, in the depths of our rebellion, God will find us and raise us to new life! Ephesians 2: 1-3

Luke 19: 10 ‘The Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost’

How does it make you feel knowing that – how does that affect your attitude to God?

Me: I feel incredibly humbled and grateful to God for loving me enough to seek me out, find me and raise me to new life!

As we come to the end of this Message, let us remember this:

The devil is a bad devil – all the time, in our rebellion against God the devil will take all we have and in the process, destroy us

God is a good God – all the time, when the Holy Spirit prompts you to repent, make sure you repent, turn back to God, and with a new attitude of selflessness, fully surrender yourself to the service of God and enjoy the fullness of blessings upon your life

Galatians 2: 20 (The Message translation) ‘The life you see me living is not “mine,” but it is lived by faith in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave himself for me.”

The Promise Of God To Bless You – Part 4

Luke 15: 11-32

Jesus tells a story about a father and his younger son

The father represents God – the younger son represents us

From this story we learn that when we turn away from God, when we lose our joy in God, and when our heart far away from Him, God will not reject us, He will receive us back to Himself and restore us to his blessings!

In the story, notice that the father did not go looking for his son to rescue him, he waited patiently for him to learn from his experience and return home?

Q. What happened in the son to change his mind and return home?

A. Repentance!

Luke 15: 17-18 ‘came to his senses…I will go home to my father’

This is where we learn what repentance really is: repentance is us changing our mind about living in rebellion to God, turning away from sinful living and returning to God

When we rebel against God the only way back to Him is through repentance Luke 15: 20-24

1/ When we repent, we see what life is really like apart from God

The younger son thought, apart from the father, life was a ‘big party’

Luke 15: 13b ‘wild living’

The problem with ‘wild living’ is that at the end of it you will be left with nothing!

The younger son became fatherless, homeless, friendless, foodless and moneyless
Finally, he ‘came to his senses’

Can you imagine the younger son sitting with the pigs, thinking about his trouble and maybe even having a conversation with himself; “Here, with the pigs = not blessed – at home, with Dad = blessed”

At that point he repented Luke 15: 18-19

Dear Friends, life apart from God is not a big party; life apart from God is desperately ugly, it is a downward spiral into tragedy and death

2/ When we repent, we come back from the ‘dead’

This story that Jesus told about the father and the younger son is often called the ‘story of the lost son’ or the ‘story of the prodigal son’

Yes, the younger son was ‘lost’, but when he returns home, his father identifies the true spiritual condition of his son – he was spiritually ‘dead’!

Luke 15: 24

In the same way as the younger son, apart from God, we too are spiritually ‘dead’

Ephesians 2: 1-3

Here’s the good news of the Gospel, God is in the business of resurrecting the dead!

Ephesians 2: 4-7

The Promise Of God To Bless You (part 3)

Jeremiah 32: 40-41

1/ God will not turn away from blessing you

Jeremiah 32: 40a ‘I will never stop doing good for them’

2/ God takes joy in blessing you

Jeremiah 32: 41 ‘…I will find joy/pleasure in doing good for them…’

3/ God wants to bless you with all His heart

Jeremiah 32: 41 ‘…wholeheartedly…’

What happens when:

1/We turn away from God

2/ We lose our joy/pleasure in God

3/ Our heart is not fully His

Luke 15: 11-32

Jesus tells us a story about a father who had 2 sons

In the story:

* The Father represents God & the younger son represents us

The younger son lived a blessed life in his father’s house

His father loved him and he loved his father

He had everything he needed including an inheritance from his father

He was fully blessed, secure both now and for the rest of his life

*** But something changes in the younger son

1/ The younger son turns away from his father

He demands his inheritance and leaves home

Luke 15: 12-13a ‘moved to a distant land’

* This story reminds us that, just like the younger son, we can come to love things more than we love God

Secretly, in our heart, we can say ‘I don’t want God in my life anymore, I just want what He can give me’

2 Timothy 3:4 ‘love pleasure rather than God’.

2/ The younger son loses his joy/pleasure in his father

He wants to experience joy/pleasure in what the ‘world’ had to offer

Luke 15: 13b ‘wild living’

* This story reminds us that, just like the younger son, we can become deceived by the ‘pleasures’ this ‘world’ has to offer

Sure, you can find joy in the ‘pleasures’ of this world, but know this, one day those ‘pleasures’ will come to an end

Hebrews 11:25 ‘Moses chose to have troubles along with God’s people. He thought that was better than the fun which he could have living a wrong life. The fun would last only for a short time’.

3/ The younger son’s heart is no longer with his father

He wholeheartedly wastes all he has

Luke 15: 14-16 ‘his money ran out’

* This story reminds us that God is good, ‘all the time’, and, the devil is bad ‘all the time’

In his father’s care, the younger son was fully blessed, away from his father’s care, the devil made sure he lost every blessing

1 John 2:16-17 ‘For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world. 17 And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever’.

*** This story also reminds us that God is good, ‘all the time’, even when we turn away from Him, lose our joy/pleasure in Him, and even when our heart is not wholeheartedly His

God will not turn away from blessing us, He takes joy/pleasure in blessing us, and He will wholeheartedly bless us!

Luke 15: 20-24

The Promise Of God To Bless You Part 2

Jeremiah 32: 40-41

2/ God takes joy in blessing you

Jeremiah 32: 41 ‘…I will find joy doing good for them…’

* God is so joyous in blessing you He causes His blessings to…pursue you

Psalm 23: 6 ‘…Your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me…’

* God is so joyous in blessing you He causes His blessing to…pursue you & pass in front of you

Exodus 34: 5 & 6 ‘then the Lord…passed in front of him (Moses) and announced the meaning of His Name. “God of compassion and mercy! I am slow to anger and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness”’.

* God is so joyous in blessing you He causes His blessing to…pursue you, pass in front of you, all the days of your life

Psalm 23: 6 ‘…all the days of my life…’

I am 57 years and 11 months old = 21, 132 days old

God has blessed me every day of my life= that’s a lot of blessings!

* Because God blesses us so joyously, we should fall down on our knees, lift up our hands in joyous praise and worship Him

Psalm 139: 1-6 ‘…I’m never out of Your (God) sight…I look behind me and You are there, then up ahead and You are there, too…This is too much, too wonderful…I can’t take it all in’

3/ God wants to bless you with all His heart

Jeremiah 32: 41 ‘…wholeheartedly…’

As Christians, sometimes we forget that we are the ‘Bride of Christ’ Revelation 18: 23

As the Bride of Christ, God is preparing us for the ‘Marriage Supper of the Lamb’ (Christ) in Heaven! Revelation 19: 9

If we are the Bride of Christ, then Jesus is the Bridegroom

As the Bridegroom, He wholeheartedly loves and blesses His Bride – that’s you!

Isaiah 62: 4 ‘…Bride of God…’ Bride: Hebrew language = ‘My delight is in her’

Think about human love; when we are engaged to be married, we show our love wholeheartedly to the one we love

But as time goes by, our love can become weak, imperfect, and sadly, it sometimes fails

But when Jesus loves us it is wholeheartedly, His delight is in us forever, His love for us stays strong, His love for us is always perfect and never fails!