A Parable about 2 servants – a lesson in being faithful as we wait for the return of Jesus

Matthew 24: 45-51

Jesus taught this Parable, the first of 3 similar parables, in response to the Disciples asking Him about His second coming and the end of the World

Matthew 24: 3

The 3 similar parables are:

The faithful servant and the unfaithful servant. Matthew 24: 45-51

The wise and foolish bridesmaids. Matthew 25: 1-13

Money. Matthew 25: 14-30

The second coming of Jesus to the Earth and the end of the World are the most misunderstood, abused, and controversial teachings of Jesus

Some people say that everything that Jesus taught about His second coming to Earth and the end of the World have been fulfilled already

Other people say everything is yet to be fulfilled

These people use Jesus teaching in Matthew 24 to make false predictions

Do you remember the ‘4 blood moon’ false predictions of September 2015 saying that the Church will be raptured to Heaven?

As I correctly predicted last year the false prophets who made those predictions, John Hagee, Johnathan Cahn, Mark Blix, Sahdu Sundar Selvaraj and others, have not repented

They have simply re-calculated their predictions and pushed them forward to 2016 and 2017

(I wonder how many $millions these ‘crooks’ will make off their new book sales? And sadly yes, hundreds of thousands of gullible Christians will buy them!)

Dear Friends, listen to me!

Jesus denied any possibility that we could know the timing of His return to Earth and the end of the World

Matthew 24: 36, 42, 44

What is the lesson for us as we wait for the second coming of the Lord back to Earth and the end of the World?

Remain faithful till He comes!

Matthew 24: 13

Let’s get back to the parable

One servant is faithful. Matthew 24: 45-47

The faithful servant is given responsibility of managing his master’s other servants while the master is away

When the master returns and finds that his faithful servant has done a good job, he rewards him by promoting him to manage all of his businesses

Dear friends, when our Lord Jesus returns to the Earth, will He find us faithful?

If He finds us faithful He will reward us in this way:

We will reign with Christ. Revelation 20: 6

We will become joint heirs with Christ. Romans 8: 17

We will sit with Him on His throne. Revelation 3: 21

One servant is unfaithful. Matthew 24: 48-51

The unfaithful servant is given the same responsibility of managing his master’s other servants while he is away

The unfaithful servant fails in his responsibility to the master

When the master returns and finds that this servant has not done a good job, the master punishes the unfaithful servant

Dear friends, we may experience the return our Lord Jesus in our lifetime (we also may not) Hebrews 10: 37, James 5: 8

When our Lord Jesus does return to Earth will He find us faithful or unfaithful?

A Parable about treasure hidden in a field – A lesson in finding salvation in Christ

Matthew 13: 44‘the Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure…hidden in a field’

Here, the Gospel of Matthew refers to the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’

In the other 3 Gospels, Mark, Luke and John the term ‘Kingdom of God’ is used

The reason Matthew uses the term ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ is because Matthew’s Gospel was written mainly for Jewish readers who were overly sensitive about using the term ‘God’

So, ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ and ‘Kingdom of God’ are the same thing

Q. OK, so what is the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’?

A. The ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ is the treasure of our salvation, in Christ

Jesus was asked: Luke 17: 20 ‘When will the Kingdom of God come’?

Jesus replied, and referring to Himself said: Luke 17: 21 ‘The Kingdom of God is already among you’

Here’s what we learn today about the treasure of our salvation

1/ the treasure of our salvation, in Christ, is our reward for seeking after Him

NOTICE: 44 the man in the Parable ‘discovered’ the treasure hidden in the field

It sounds a bit strange to us today that someone would hide treasure in a field

In Jesus day, hiding treasure in a field was normal (Matthew 25: 18)

Today people hide treasure in Bank Accounts and Investments

Where has God hidden our salvation? – In Christ!

Just as the man in the Parable searching after the treasure, was rewarded, you too will be rewarded with salvation as you seek after Christ

So, how about you – are you seeking salvation? You will find it in Christ!

Hebrews 11:6 ‘And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to Him must believe that God exists and that He rewards those who sincerely seek Him’.

2/ the treasure of salvation, in Christ, is more valuable than anything in this world

NOTICE: 44 the man in the Parable ‘sold everything’ he owned to get enough money to buy the field that contained the hidden treasure

The man in the Parable understood the worthlessness of what he possessed compared to the value of the treasure hidden in the field and he was prepared to give it all up so that he could possess the treasure

So, how about you – are you prepared to give up everything for salvation in Christ?

Philippians 3: 8 ‘everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Jesus Christ my Lord’

3/ the treasure of salvation, in Christ, is the true source of joy

NOTICE: 44 the man in the Parable was filled with ‘excitement’/joy

Just like the man in the Parable, when we discover the treasure of our salvation, in Christ, we too will be filled with overflowing joy!

So, how about you – do you desire to be filled with the joy? You can experience that joy in Jesus Christ!

Jesus prayed that: John 17: 13 ‘(His) followers (would) have (His) joy in their hearts’.

Here’s some good news: In Christ, God promises us even more joy!

Joy in answered prayer:

John 16: 24 ‘Ask, using My name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant joy’.

Joy in trusting God:

Romans 15: 13 ‘I pray that God…will fill you completely with joy…because you trust in Him’

Joy in reading God’s Word:

1 John 1: 4 ‘And these things we write to you that your joy may be full’

A Parable about soil – A lesson in receiving God’s Word

Luke 8: 4-8

8 Jesus stressed the need to listen to and understand the Parable

Q. Are you listening to understand the Parable?

Graphic: Chinese character for ‘listen’ – ting

9 The disciples asked Jesus what the Parable meant

10 Jesus replied that because they desired to understand the Parable – its’ truth would be REVEALED to them but to those who didn’t listen and had no desire to understand the Parable – its’ truth would be CONCEALED to them

Now, Jesus explains the meaning of the Parable to them

Luke 8: 11-15

11 the seed scattered by the farmer is God’s Word

12, 15 the soil is peoples’ hearts

Here’s what we learn from this Parable: A person’s response to the Word of God is dependent upon the ‘condition’ of their heart

There are 4 heart conditions

1/ Hard hearted people

12 ‘seeds that fell on the footpath’

A footpath is a dry hard surface that prevents the seed from burying itself in the moist, dark, soft soil underneath the footpath

The seed sits on top of the footpath and is quickly taken away

In the same way: hard hearted people are resistant to the Word of God – sin and unbelief have made them impervious to the Gospel

Mark 4: 15 ‘The seed that fell on the footpath represents those who hear the message, only to have Satan come at once and take it away’

2/ Shallow hearted people

13 ‘the seeds on the rocky soil’

Rocky soil has a very shallow layer of soil over top of rock preventing the tender plants putting down roots

The seed germinates and the tender plant grows quickly but withers and dies because there is no deep soil for the roots

In the same way: shallow hearted people receive God’s Word and believe for a short time then fall away – these people are not saved, they have made an emotional response to the Gospel, nothing more

Mark 4: 16 ‘The seed on the rocky soil represents those who hear the message and immediately receive it with joy. But since they don’t have deep roots, they don’t last long. They fall away as soon as they have problems or are persecuted for believing God’s Word’

3/ Worldly hearted people

14 ‘the seeds that fell among the thorns’

The thorny soil is dominated by weeds
The seed germinates but the tender plant is overcome by the weeds which then reclaim their ground

In the same way: worldly hearted people receive God’s Word and believe for a short time then fall away – these people are not saved, the cares, riches and pleasures of this life quickly reclaim their heart

Mark 4: 19 ‘but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the worries of this life, the lure of wealth, and the desire for other things, so no fruit is produced’

4/ Welcoming hearted people

15 ‘the seeds that fell on the good soil’

The good soil is well prepared by the farmer to receive the seed

As the seed germinates in the soil the tender plants grow up to maturity and produce an abundant harvest for the farmer

In the same way: welcoming hearted people are prepared by the grace of God to receive God’s Word – they are honest, good hearted people, they hear God’s Word, hold on to it and patiently go on to live fruitful lives for the glory of God – these people are true converts to Christ!

Mark 4: 20 ‘And the seed that fell on good soil represents those who hear and accept God’s Word and produce a harvest of thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times as much as had been planted!’

This Parable reminds us that as we share the Word of God with unsaved people, many of them will not come to Christ – but some will!

We must not lose heart but continue to sow the Word of God amongst all who will listen to us, praying and believing that the seed of the Word will find some welcoming hearts
