A Parable about treasure hidden in a field – A lesson in finding salvation in Christ

Matthew 13: 44‘the Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure…hidden in a field’

Here, the Gospel of Matthew refers to the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’

In the other 3 Gospels, Mark, Luke and John the term ‘Kingdom of God’ is used

The reason Matthew uses the term ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ is because Matthew’s Gospel was written mainly for Jewish readers who were overly sensitive about using the term ‘God’

So, ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ and ‘Kingdom of God’ are the same thing

Q. OK, so what is the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’?

A. The ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ is the treasure of our salvation, in Christ

Jesus was asked: Luke 17: 20 ‘When will the Kingdom of God come’?

Jesus replied, and referring to Himself said: Luke 17: 21 ‘The Kingdom of God is already among you’

Here’s what we learn today about the treasure of our salvation

1/ the treasure of our salvation, in Christ, is our reward for seeking after Him

NOTICE: 44 the man in the Parable ‘discovered’ the treasure hidden in the field

It sounds a bit strange to us today that someone would hide treasure in a field

In Jesus day, hiding treasure in a field was normal (Matthew 25: 18)

Today people hide treasure in Bank Accounts and Investments

Where has God hidden our salvation? – In Christ!

Just as the man in the Parable searching after the treasure, was rewarded, you too will be rewarded with salvation as you seek after Christ

So, how about you – are you seeking salvation? You will find it in Christ!

Hebrews 11:6 ‘And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to Him must believe that God exists and that He rewards those who sincerely seek Him’.

2/ the treasure of salvation, in Christ, is more valuable than anything in this world

NOTICE: 44 the man in the Parable ‘sold everything’ he owned to get enough money to buy the field that contained the hidden treasure

The man in the Parable understood the worthlessness of what he possessed compared to the value of the treasure hidden in the field and he was prepared to give it all up so that he could possess the treasure

So, how about you – are you prepared to give up everything for salvation in Christ?

Philippians 3: 8 ‘everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Jesus Christ my Lord’

3/ the treasure of salvation, in Christ, is the true source of joy

NOTICE: 44 the man in the Parable was filled with ‘excitement’/joy

Just like the man in the Parable, when we discover the treasure of our salvation, in Christ, we too will be filled with overflowing joy!

So, how about you – do you desire to be filled with the joy? You can experience that joy in Jesus Christ!

Jesus prayed that: John 17: 13 ‘(His) followers (would) have (His) joy in their hearts’.

Here’s some good news: In Christ, God promises us even more joy!

Joy in answered prayer:

John 16: 24 ‘Ask, using My name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant joy’.

Joy in trusting God:

Romans 15: 13 ‘I pray that God…will fill you completely with joy…because you trust in Him’

Joy in reading God’s Word:

1 John 1: 4 ‘And these things we write to you that your joy may be full’