What’s So Great About The Sovereignty Of God? # 5

Isaiah 6:

Over the last few weeks: we have been learning that God is Sovereign; we have also learned what the term sovereign means and we have learned about several examples of God’s sovereignty in action

Today: we will begin to learn how the sovereignty of God applies to our lives

To put it simply: the knowledge of the sovereignty of God should transform us!

Isaiah 6: 1 ‘I saw the Lord’

Let’s be reminded exactly who Isaiah saw

The word ‘Lord’ is not the title of God; it is the Name of God

In the original Hebrew language of the Old Testament, the word used here – ‘Lord’, is the sacred name of God = YHWH

For the Hebrew people, the Name of God, YHWH, was too sacred to be written or spoken, so they used another word = Adonai

Adonai means: Sovereign

In the New Testament it says, Jesus is Lord

In other words; Jesus is Sovereign

Jude 1: 4 ‘…Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.’

So, here in Isaiah 6, Isaiah saw Jesus Christ

Isaiah’s vision is very similar to the vision John had of Jesus recorded in the Book of Revelation

Revelation 4: 1-11

Here in Isaiah 6: 1 we see Jesus seated on a ‘lofty throne’, high and lifted up and His robes/heavenly garments fill the temple

Leaving no room for the glory of anyone else

Have you made room in your heart for Jesus Christ alone, to the exclusion of all others?

Isaiah 42: 8 ‘I am the LORD; that is my Name! I will not give My glory to anyone else’

Isaiah 6: 2 ‘Attending Him were mighty seraphim’

‘With 2 wings they covered their faces’ – they were shielding their eyes from the brilliant radiance of God’s glory

‘…with 2 they covered their feet’ – they were showing humility to God

‘…with 2 they flew’ – they were ready to act at His command

‘Attending Him’ = serve God

Like the mighty seraphim, this is how we are to serve God – unwilling to look upon His glory, showing humility and ready to act upon His command

Isaiah 6: 3-4 ‘They were calling out to each other…’

Like the mighty seraphim, when we worship the Lord together, we are to be totally focused on declaring His sovereignty over all Creation

And as we worship Him, the manifestation of His presence will fill our praises

Now, look at Isaiah’s response to this vision of God’s sovereignty

1/ Like Isaiah, our first response to God’s sovereignty is the confession of our sin

Isaiah 6: 5

As Christians, we can be tempted to compare ourselves to other people and think “You know, I’m actually a very good person”

When we do that we fall into the sin of self-righteousness

Luke 18: 9-13

The Pharisee was comparing himself to the sinner

The sinner was comparing himself to God

Like Isaiah, when we get a vision of God’s sovereignty, our first response is the confession of our sin, and when we confess our sin to God, something wonderful happens!

Isaiah 6: 6-7

Our guilt is removed, and our sin is forgiven!

Dear friends, God is Sovereign

Romans 11: 36 ‘For everything comes from Him and (everything) exists by His power and (everything) is intended for His glory. All glory to Him forever! Amen’.

What’s So Great About The Sovereignty Of God? # 4

Isaiah 6: 1-5

Last time:

We began looking at some examples of God’s sovereignty in action

1/ God sovereignly guides us in His purposes for our lives, for His glory

Example: God guiding Abraham and Sarah in the Negev

2/ God sovereignly blesses us in His purposes for our lives, for His glory

Example: God blessing Israel as they left the slavery of Egypt

3/ God sovereignly protects us from danger in His purposes for our lives, for His glory

Example: God protecting Israel as they left the slavery of Egypt

4/ God will sovereignly save Israel in His purposes, for His glory

5/ God sovereignly promotes His people into positions of influence in His purposes, for His glory

Example: God sovereignly promoted Daniel

Here are some more examples of God’s sovereignty in action

6/ God sovereignly raises up mighty ministries in His purposes, for His glory

Genesis 3 (Moses) 1 Samuel 16: 12 (David)

Example: the great Apostle Paul Acts 9: 1-6

6 ‘Now get up and go into the City and you will be told what you must do’

What was Paul told he must do? 15

We all want to be mightily used by God don’t we – right!?

But, here’s our problem: we don’t like that word ‘must’; we say – “Nobody is going to tell me what I must do”

God calls that attitude = rebellion!

Do you think God will raise up a mighty ministry using someone who has a rebellious attitude?

How did Paul respond to God? Acts 9: 19 – 22

Paul’s ministry became mighty (22 ‘more and more powerful’) because he obeyed God 20 ‘immediately’

Like Paul, if we want God to work through us mightily, we must be ready to fully surrender to God’s purposes in “our Life” immediately?

And, of course, when I say “our Life” – what I really mean is the Life that God has given us

God used Paul so mightily because he had the right attitude…

Galatians 2: 20 ‘The life you see me living is not “mine,” but it is lived by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me’

7/ God sovereignly humbles those people who resist His purposes, for His glory

Exodus 3: 20 (Pharaoh) 1 Samuel 28: 17 (King Saul)

‘Humble’ is a Bible code word for: hurt

Example: King Nebuchadnezzar

Daniel 4: 27 Daniel advises the King to stop sinning or God might deal with him

Daniel 4: 28-30 the King resists Daniel’s warning

Daniel 4: 31-33 God humbles (hurts) the King for 7 years

Daniel 4: 34-37 after 7 years God restores the King and Nebuchadnezzar submits himself to the sovereignty of God

Dear friends, let me ask you this; Is it a good idea to resist the purposes of God for your Life?

If you resist God’s purposes in your Life – He will humble you, and, He might hurt you in the process

We need to remember this: God’s purposes for your Life will prevail!

Psalm 33: 11 ‘But the Lord’s plans stand firm forever; His intentions can never be shaken’

Dear friends, God is Sovereign

Romans 11: 36 ‘For everything comes from Him and (everything) exists by His power and (everything) is intended for His glory. All glory to Him forever! Amen’.

Next time: we will consider the question; “what should be my response to the sovereignty of God”?