Please, Tell The Truth # 9 Identifying The Lies We Tell (Part 6)

Jesus said (John 14: 12) ‘I tell you the truth’

As followers of Jesus we too must tell the truth

Sadly, sometimes, we don’t tell the truth – Sometimes, instead of telling the truth, we tell lies

Over the last few weeks we have been identifying the lies we tell

1/ we lie when we oppose the truth

2/ we lie when we hide the truth

3/ we lie when we use blame

4/ we lie when we say ‘I don’t know’ – when we do know

5/ we lie when we say ‘I will’ – but what we really mean is, ‘I won’t

6/ we lie when we make excuses

7/ we lie when we flatter other people

8/ we lie when we say things that are untrue about other people

9/ we lie when we have a hidden motive

10/ we lie when we tell only half the truth

11/ we lie when we exaggerate

12/ we lie when we cover up our past sins

2 Samuel 11: 1 – 12:

11: 1-5 David commits adultery with Uriah’s wife Bathsheba

11: 6-25 David adds to his sins by having Uriah killed in battle

11: 27a David took Bathsheba as one of his wives

Like King David, we live a lie by covering up our sins/keeping them private, but, eventually God will make our sins public!

11: 27b ‘the Lord was displeased with what David had done’

2 Samuel 12: 1-9 how humiliating for David!

God goes further than just humiliating David publically, he punishes David, Bathsheba and David’s family

10 David’s family would ‘live by the sword’

11a David’s own family would rebel against him

11b David’s wives would be raped in public

12! ‘What you did in secret/I (the Lord) will punish in full/public/national view’

14 David’s child with Bathsheba would die

Even though David eventually confessed his sin, and God forgave him, he could not escape the consequences of lying

Psalm 32: 3-5

So, don’t cover up your sins of the past – don’t lie, tell the truth!

13/ we lie when we create fake news/an ‘alibi’ to cover up our past sins

This example of lying is a sophistication upon # 11

Genesis 37: 18-28

Joseph’s brothers intended to kill their brother Joseph but spared his life by selling him into slavery in Egypt

Then, they created fake news/an ‘alibi’ to cover up their sins


When we lie, we hurt other people


Later, God promotes Joseph in Egypt and exposes the brother’s lies

Genesis 45: 1-3

They were ‘speechless’ – they had no defense for their devious actions and lies

Joseph explains that despite their sins against him, God used him to save his father Jacob and his brothers and their families

Genesis 45: 3-11, Genesis 50: 14-21

How do you think history remembers Joseph’s brothers?

They were liars!

How do you think history remembers Joseph?

A man of the highest integrity!

A man who could not be faulted, a man who understood God’s purposes for his life, a man who forgave those who sinned against him, a man who saved his people, a man who is an Old Testament ‘type’/picture of Jesus Christ Himself

What kind of person do you want to be remembered as?

So, don’t create fake news/ an ‘alibi’ to cover up your past sins – don’t lie, tell the truth!

Please, Tell The Truth # 8 Identifying The Lies We Tell (Part 5)

Jesus said (John 14: 12) ‘I tell you the truth’

As followers of Jesus we too must tell the truth

Sadly, sometimes, we don’t tell the truth – Sometimes, instead of telling the truth, we tell lies

Over the last few weeks we have been identifying the lies we tell

1/ we lie when we oppose the truth

2/ we lie when we hide the truth

3/ we lie when we use blame

4/ we lie when we say ‘I don’t know’ – when we do know

5/ we lie when we say ‘I will’ – but what we really mean is, ‘I won’t

6/ we lie when we make excuses

7/ we lie when we flatter other people

8/ we lie when we say things that are untrue about other people

9/ we lie when we have a hidden motive

10/ we lie when we tell only half the truth

Genesis 20: 1-12

Abraham lied to King Abimelech by telling him only half the truth

2 ‘She is my sister’ (she was)

Later Abraham told Abimelech the whole truth

Notice the criticism Abimelech says to Abraham

9b ‘no one should ever do what you have done’

A non-believer criticizing a believer for lying!!!

Real Life Example: Use your own

When I tried to speak to him about it he told me only half the truth

Made up Example:

‘Are you having a romance with…?’

‘No, we are just friends’

Yes, you are friends but you are telling only half the truth!

So, don’t only tell half the truth – don’t lie, tell the (whole) truth

11/ we lie when we exaggerate

Numbers 13: 30-33

Notice the exaggeration of the 10 spies

31 ‘they are stronger than we are’

32a ‘the land…will devour anyone who goes to live there’

32b ‘all the people we saw were huge’ (even the babies?)

33a ‘we even saw giants there’

Caleb and Joshua became great conquerors of the land because they did not believe the exaggeration of the other 10 spies

30 They believed God – they believed the truth!

Exaggeration is a lie that puts us in opposition to God

Because the people believed the exaggeration (lies) of the 10 spies, God sent Israel back in to the desert for 40 years Numbers 14: 22-30

Exaggeration is a way of ‘awfulizing’ our situation

1 Kings 17: 8-12 the widow exaggerated/’awfulized’ her situation

12a ‘I don’t have a single piece of bread’

12b ‘I only have a handful of flour’

12c ‘and a little cooking oil

12d ‘I was just gathering a few sticks’

12e ‘last meal…and then my son and I will die’

1 Kings 17: 13-16 Elijah tells the widow not to ‘awfulize’ her situation (13 ’don’t be afraid’) and that God would provide for her – and He did!

Made up Examples:

(Husband and wife ‘awfulizing’ their relationship)

‘You always crash my car when you use it’!

‘You never help me around the house’!

Remember what Jesus said

Luke 18: 26-27 ‘Those who heard this said, “Then who in the world can be saved?” He (Jesus) replied, “What is impossible for people is possible with God.”

So, dear friends, don’t exaggerate – don’t lie, tell the truth!

Please, Tell The Truth # 7 Part 4 Identifying The Lies We Tell

Jesus said (John 14: 12) ‘I tell you the truth’

As followers of Jesus we too must tell the truth

Sadly, sometimes, we don’t tell the truth – Sometimes, instead of telling the truth, we tell lies

Over the last few weeks we have been identifying the lies we tell

1/ we lie when we oppose the truth

2/ we lie when we hide the truth

3/ we lie when we use blame

4/ we lie when we say ‘I don’t know’ – when we do know

5/ we lie when we say ‘I will’ – but what we really mean is, ‘I won’t

6/ we lie when we make excuses

7/ we lie when we flatter other people

8/ we lie when we say things that are untrue about other people

Proverbs 22: 1 ‘A good reputation and respect are worth much more than silver and gold’

As Christians we must protect the good reputation of other Christians not try to destroy it by saying things that are untrue about each other

Real Life Example:

Many years ago a pastor friend of mine was telling me that a certain Christian leader, who was well known in NZ at that time, was not trustworthy – his ministry was no good

About a year after that, I had lunch with that Christian leader and found out that, in fact, he was a very good man and doing a great some great ministry

This pastor friend of mine said things to me that damaged the good reputation of this fellow Christian – they were lies!

Another Real Life Example:

Many years ago we had a couple who often came to our Church but actually belonged in a different Church

The husband started to cause trouble in our Church

I confronted him about it and phoned the pastor of his Church about what he was doing

Well, that caused even more trouble!

The husband who was causing the trouble in our Church talked to his wife about me and she started phoning people up in our Church and told them that I was ‘an evil person’ and that they ‘should leave the (our) Church’

The couple who were causing trouble stopped coming to our Church – thank God!

Q. What were they doing?

A. They were saying things about other Christians that were untrue – they were lying

Leviticus 19: 16 ‘Do not go around spreading malicious lies about other people’

Saying things that are untrue about other people can cause a lot of trouble

1 Samuel 22: 11-19

King Saul said to Ahimilech the priest that David was plotting against him

Ahimilech defended David’s reputation by saying that David was ‘faithful’ and ‘highly honored’, but King Saul didn’t believe him and killed him, his family and all his colleagues and their families

Dear friends, don’t say things that are untrue about other people – don’t lie, tell the truth!

9/ we lie when we have a hidden motive

One of the best illustrations of this is found in the Gospel of Matthew and records the hidden motive of King Herod

Matthew 2: 7-8, 16-18

King Herod said he wanted information about Jesus so that he could go and worship him

But, his hidden motive was revealed when he tried to kill Jesus

Sometimes it is really difficult to know if someone has a hidden motive, it takes time for it to be revealed

1 Timothy 5: 24 ‘Remember, the sins of some people are obvious, leading them to certain judgment. But there are others whose sins will not be revealed until later’

Real Life Example:

Many years ago we had a couple in our church who wanted to have influence in our Church, they had a hidden motive

They came to see me and Jennifer one evening and wanted to tell us how we should be leading the Church properly

2 things:

1/ stop preaching the Bible on Sunday’s and just tell stories about our pastoral experience

2/ visit every family in the Church every week and listen to their complaints!

When we said we were not going to do that, they left our Church

Why? Because they had a hidden motive and couldn’t influence us

After 30+ years of pastoral experience I can tell you I am very clear about my call from God:

I am not called by God to tell stories and listen to endless complaints

I am called by God to do 3 things:

1/ Preach and teach the Word of God – the truth!

Hebrews 13: 7 ‘Remember your leaders who taught you the Word of God. Think of all the good that has come from their lives, and follow the example of their faith’

2/ Protect God’s people from deception and lies

1 Peter 5: 2 ‘Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly—not for what you will get out of it, but because you are eager to serve God’

3/ Lead God’s people into spiritual growth and Christian maturity

1 Peter 5: 3 ‘Don’t lord it over the people assigned to your care, but lead them by your own good example’

I am not here to:

Make money – this is not a career opportunity

Entertain you and make you feel good

Run a business like a CEO

To be relevant and popular

Dear friends, don’t have a hidden motive, it’s a sin – don’t lie, tell the truth