Don’t Forget God # 13 Lessons from the life of Solomon – God requires us to be pure and holy before we come into His presence to worship Him

Our text is 1 Kings 1: 1 – 1 Kings 11: 43 – a summary of the life of Solomon

Last time: 1 Kings 6: 15-38

The location and history of Solomon’s Temple

A description of the Temple design

Here are the lesson from: 1 Kings 6: 15-38

God is more concerned about the inner condition of our ‘heart’, our ‘heart’ for Him, than our external ‘appearance’/our Christian ‘performance’

Today: 1 Kings 7: 1-12

Solomon’s Palace Complex

1 The Author of 1 Kings now describes the Palace Complex that Solomon built for himself

Graphic: Solomon’s Palace Complex

2-5 describes the Palace of the Forest of Lebanon which was at least 2 times larger than Solomon’s Temple and may have been used to store weapons
1 Kings 10: 17

6 Next to Palace of the Forest of Lebanon was the Hall of Pillars which may have been used as a waiting room for people who wanted to meet the King

7 Next to the Hall of Pillars was Solomon’s Throne Room which was also called the Hall of Justice where Solomon would judge legal cases that were brought to him 1 Kings 3: 16-28

8 Next to the Throne Room was Solomon’s private living area and the private living area for his favorite wife, Pharaoh’s daughter

9-12 Then, the Author of 1 Kings describes the building materials used to construct Solomon’s Palace Complex

Solomon’s Palace Complex was built close to the Temple

Graphic: The Temple and Solomon’s Palace Complex proximity

Nothing remains today of Solomon’s Palace Complex

1 Kings 7: 13-47

The furnishings OUTSIDE the Temple

13-14 Huram, a skilled craftsman from Tyre in Lebanon, was asked by King Solomon to come to Jerusalem to do all the metal work for Solomon’s Temple

Graphic: Map of Tyre in Lebanon

15-22 2 bronze pillars were made for the entrance of the Temple

Graphic: ‘Jakin’ = God establishes & ‘Boaz’ = In God is strength

The 2 pillars were a reminder to the people of Israel that God would bless them if they remained faithful to Him in worship

23-26 A great round bronze basin was made, and contained about 4, 200 liters of water, and sat upon 12 bronze oxen

27-38 Huram also made 10 bronze water carts with basins

39 The great round bronze basin and the 10 bronze water carts with basins were located in the Temple Courtyard

40a Other basins, shovels and bowls were also made

40b-47 is a summary of all the furnishings OUTSIDE the Temple

1 Kings 7: 48-51

The furnishings INSIDE the Temple

48-50 the pure gold altar, the pure gold table for the ‘bread of the presence’, 10 pure gold lampstands and other smaller pure gold furnishings

Graphic: All of these were made and put in the Holy Place

51 When Solomon had finished the Temple he brought in all the gifts his father King David had made for the Temple and stored them in the side rooms
2 Samuel 8: 11, 1 Chronicles 22: 14, 29: 1-9

Here’s the lesson from 1 Kings 7: 13-51

God requires us to be pure and holy before we come into His presence to worship Him

Notice: the Author of 1 Kings describes the furnishings of the Temple from the OUTSIDE to the INSIDE

Graphic: The Temple cut-away OUTSIDE to INSIDE (direction arrow)

OUTSIDE, everything was made of bronze

OUTSIDE, sacrifices to God were made for the forgiveness of sins

INSIDE, everything was covered in pure gold

INSIDE, God was worshipped

Dear friends, before we can enter into the presence of God to worship Him, we must first confess our sins to God, repent of our sins and live holy lives

Only then will our worship be acceptable to God

INSIDE the Temple, the Most Holy Place where the presence of God dwelt, was also called the ‘inner sanctuary’
1 Kings 6:16, 19, 20, 23, 27, 29, 31, 1 Kings 8: 6

Graphic: Most Holy Place/‘inner sanctuary’

Now: Listen to the Word of God

Psalm 15: 1-2a ‘Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord? Who may enter your presence…?’

1 Peter 2: 4a-5b 4 ‘You are coming to Christ, who is the living cornerstone of God’s temple…through the mediation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God’.