God Is A Forgiving Father

Guest Contributor: Pastor Terrense Barbero

Luke 15:11 – 31

This parable was illustrated by Jesus to show how forgiving and compassionate God is to His children.

We will run through with the three main characters:
Prodigal Son
Older Brother
Prodigal Son:

Prodigal Son:
The son is mainly dissatisfied with the situation in his life.
It might be boring living and staying under his father’s authority.
He wants to be independent.
He is desiring for more, he believed that there is more life outside his father’s house.

(Be careful with the things that you listen, or the people whom you listen with). Some people might influence your thoughts and may lead into deception. “It is better to be alone, than to have a bad companion”.
After having these thoughts, here comes the decision. The son decided to leave the house of his father, wanting to take all his share of his father’s estate.

After he departed, he found pleasure, delight, happiness. Sin has always the pleasure, but it also has a penalty. V. 13

Romans 6:23
23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.
After he enjoyed the pleasure of sin, here comes, the disillusion. He couldn’t find real happiness and joy in the world. V. 17

Romans 12:2
Don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

After realising all the events in his life, he is now hopeless, feeling despair, and comes the venom of sin in his life. V. 18

The Father:
The father was so disappointed, and wounded with the decision of his son.
Same with God, when we do things out of His will, He is not happy as well.
The father waited and hoped for the son to come back. He is very hopeful that his son will be back.

He knows that the material things that his son possess will soon vanish.
He welcomed and accepted back his son, in fact, he even celebrated and thrown a party.

1 John 1:9

But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.

He restored back his son. He treated his son as his son and not his servant.
Romans 4:5 (NLT)
5 But people are counted as righteous, not because of their work, but because of their faith in God who forgives sinners.

The Older Brother:
He was very faithful to his father, hardworking and obedient to his father.
He was very satisfied with the things that he is having.
But along the way, he became very jealous when his brother came back.

Proverbs 14:30 (NLT)
30 A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body;
jealousy is like cancer in the bones.

Proverbs 27:4 (NLT)
4 Anger is cruel, and wrath is like a flood,
but jealousy is even more dangerous.

He doesn’t want his brother to be accepted again by his dad.
He became selfish.
He boasted all his works.

Jeremiah 9:23 (NLT)
23 This is what the Lord says:
“Don’t let the wise boast in their wisdom,
or the powerful boast in their power,
or the rich boast in their riches.

Real life application:

Sometimes, we are like the Prodigal son, we are feeling tired, bored, and becomes very ambitious, to the point that we want to separate ourselves to our Father/God. After sinning, we realise and experience the effect of sin in our lives.

Sometimes, we are also like the older brother. Church, one of the most important aspect of our Christianity is love and forgiveness to others.
And the father, represents God. He is not pleased when we sin. He is a forgiving God, forgiving Father.

Friends, have you sinned from God? God is a forgiving Father. Pray and seek His face, genuinely ask for forgiveness and you will be forgiven. Or, do you have somebody that sinned against you that you have not forgiven yet? This is the time to forgive, if God can forgive your sins and restore you, then you can also forgive, because He first forgave us.

Are We A Good Church Or A Bad Church? # 1

Ephesians 3:21 ‘to God be the glory in the church and in Jesus Christ for all time, forever and ever! Amen’ (GNT)

As we begin 2019, a very good question to ask ourselves is, Are We A Good Church Or A Bad Church?

If the answer is, we are a bad Church, then we need to do all we can to become a good Church

Or, if we are unwilling to do all we can to become a good Church then we need to close the Church down and go and join a good Church

After all, who in their right mind wants to be a member of a bad Church?

If the answer is, yes, we are a good Church, then we need to commit ourselves 100% to our Church and do all we can to support our Church ministries and make 2019 the best year this Church has ever had!

So, how do we know if we are a good Church or a bad Church?

If you ask a hundred Christians what they think makes a Church either good or bad, you will likely get a hundred different answers – that’s called popular opinion

I have prepared a SURVEY FORM that we are going to fill out right now to help us answer the question Are We A Good Church Or A Bad Church?

All the points on the SURVEY FORM are popular opinions that I have heard over 31 years of pastoral ministry, made by people who think they know what makes a Church either good or bad

Let’s go through these points together

At the end of the SURVEY add up your score to see if, according to popular opinion, we are either a good Church or a bad Church

We start the SURVEY FORM with what is for sure the most common, by far, popular opinion on what makes a Church either good or bad

Many Christians would consider this question to be the only way to determine whether a Church is either good or bad

For many Christians who walk into a Church, any Church, for the first time they will decide whether a Church is either good or bad in the first few minutes based on this assessment

Even pastors use this assessment to measure their own success

(The SURVEY FORM is not for publication)

Despite popular opinion, Churches can be either good or bad regardless of their size – a small Church can be a good Church, or it can be a bad Church – a big Church can be a good Church, or it can be a bad Church

This assessment is probably the hardest popular opinion to change amongst many, if not most Christians

That’s because most people like being in a crowd of people; it gives them a sense that something exciting is happening

A big Church is exciting, so that is good – A small Church is not exciting, so that is bad

There is ONLY one thing that determines whether a Church is either good or bad

Over the next few weeks we will do some Messages which I’m hoping will answer the question for all of us

When we filled out the SURVEY FORM, we answered the questions using different reasoning

1/ Emotional reasons. Example: A big Church is good because it makes me feel good when I attend – A small Church is bad because it’s boring!

2/ Self-centered reasons. Example: A Church that entertains my children for an hour and a half using Play Stations in Sunday School keeps my children happy and gives me a break; that’s good – A Church that uses the Bible to teach my children the ways of God is boring my kids, they don’t want that, that’s bad; they want to play on the Play Station

3/ Worldly reasons. Example: A Church with a trendy young Pastor is relevant; that’s good – A Church with an old pastor is irrelevant; that’s bad

4/ Personal reasons. Example: I don’t like a noisy Church; that’s bad – I like a quiet Church; that’s good

5/ Weird reasons. Example: A Church that plays Kenny G instrumentals and sounds of the ocean and has a ministry to transgender unicorns is good

6/ Biblical reasons. Example: hopefully most of you saw the 3 biblical clues I listed in the SURVEY – Evangelism, Discipleship and Worshipping God are all good

These 3 clues all contribute to the ONE thing that determines whether a Church is either good or bad

Over the next few weeks we will put aside popular opinion and instead use Biblical reasons to find out if we are a good Church or a bad Church

Don’t Forget God # 20 Lessons from the life of Solomon - Solomon failed as a King, but, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ will never fail us

Our text is 1 Kings 1: 1 – 1 Kings 11: 43 – a summary of the life of Solomon   

Last time:  1 Kings 11: 1-13

Solomon the sinner

Here’s the lesson from: 1 Kings 11: 1-13

Like Solomon, we forget God when our hearts become less than completely faithful to the Lord

Today: 1 Kings 11: 14-43

This is the last Message in this Series

God removes His blessings from Solomon and Israel

Because Solomon forgot God, the Lord begins to remove His blessings from Solomon

1 Kings 11:33 ‘For Solomon has abandoned Me and worshiped Ashtoreth, the goddess of the Sidonians; Chemosh, the god of Moab; and Molech, the god of the Ammonites. He has not followed My ways and done what is pleasing in My sight. He has not obeyed My decrees and regulations as David his father did’.

14-22 (14) ‘Then the Lord raised up Hadad…to be Solomon’s adversary’

23-25 (23) ‘God also raised up Rezon…as Solomon’s adversary’

26-40 (26) ‘Another rebel leader was Jeroboam’

31 Through Jeroboam God said He would ‘tear the Kingdom from the hand of Solomon’

41-43 Solomon dies

Graphic: King Saul, King David, King Solomon and King Rehoboam

And because Israel followed Solomon in forgetting God, the Lord begins to remove His blessings from the Nation

1 Kings 11:39 ‘Because of Solomon’s sin I will punish the descendants of David’

Graphic: Israel divided

It seems to be a very sad ending for Solomon and Israel, and it was, considering the magnificent blessings that God had given them!

Solomon had been the greatest King in all the Earth
1 Kings 4: 21 and 1 Kings 10: 23

Israel had been at the very peak/height of its economic and military power
1 Kings 4: 20, 25

But now, it was gone, Solomon was dead, and Israel, as a united Nation, would soon, cease to exist!

But God was not finished with His people

I love God’s promise to Israel in the 2nd part of verse 39

1 Kings 11:39 ‘Because of Solomon’s sin I will punish the descendants of David—though not forever.’

In Luke 11: 31 Jesus said this about Himself, ‘Someone greater than Solomon is here’

Here’s the lesson from: 1 Kings 11: 14-43

Solomon failed as a King, but, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ will never fail us

For the Jews and for the Gentiles (Non-Jews), through Jesus Christ that ‘not forever’ promise of God finds its fulfilment in our salvation!
Romans 9: 24-27, Romans 11: 5-6

And as great as that is for us now, the best is yet to come!

At the end of this Life, when we arrive in the Lord’s eternal Kingdom of Heaven, we will say this…

“Ah, finally we are home, this is truly as good as it gets”!
Revelation 7: 9-10

Finally, you can be sure of this, in this Life, God WILL bless you – but, like Solomon, don’t forget God

Don’t Forget God # 19 – Like Solomon, we forget God when our hearts become less than completely faithful to the Lord

1 Kings 11: 1-13

Like Solomon, we forget God when our hearts become less than completely faithful to the Lord

Solomon the sinner

1 Solomon sinned against God by marrying unbelieving women women. God clearly commanded His people not to do this Deuteronomy 7: 1-4, 17 Exodus 23: 31-33 Exodus 34: 15-16

2 God warned His people that unbelieving wives would, turn your hearts to their gods

3 Yet, Solomon insisted on marrying unbelieving wives. He had 700 wives and 300 concubines

4 And yes, they were successful in turning Solomon’s heart to worship their gods instead of being completely faithful to the Lord

5-8 Solomon began to worship the gods of his unbelieving wives and lovers. 5a Ashtoreth was a female goddess of fertility. The followers of Ashtoreth would practice prostitution, witchcraft and fortune telling using the stars

5b Molech was a male god of greed and prosperity. The followers of Molech would burn their children in the fires of Molech asking Molech to give them whatever they wanted

7-8 Chemosh was a male god of war. The followers of Chemosh would practice human sacrifice in return for victory in war

God removed his blessings from Solomon because he forgot God and instead began to worship Ashtoreth, Molech and Chemosh 1 Kings 11: 33

9-13 The Lord speaks to Solomon for the 5th and final time and tells him ‘I will surely tear the Kingdom away from you’. The Lord says, for the sake of Solomon’s father King David, He would not take the Kingdom away from Solomon in his lifetime but would take it away in his son Rehoboam’s lifetime, and would leave Judah under his reign

Notice here that the Lord spares Solomon an even harder judgement because of Solomon’s father King David 12. Also notice something else here, when the Lord declares his judgement upon Solomon and Israel, Solomon does not repent. If he did, the text would have told us

In fact, instead of responding to the Lord’s judgement in repentance, Solomon became even more sinful by trying to murder his successor 1 Kings 11: 40 It seems that Solomon was no better than Israel’s first King, Saul, who also tried to murder his successor, David, Solomon’s father

Solomon was very different to his father King David. They were both great sinners, but David never worshipped foreign gods. David was a great repenter whereas Solomon was not. The Lord spared Solomon a harder judgement for the sake of King David

4b ‘In Solomon’s old age, they turned his heart to worship other gods instead of being completely faithful to the Lord’

6 ‘In this way, Solomon did what was evil in the Lord’s sight; he refused to follow the Lord completely’

When we sin against God, there will be consequences for us too. Do you think God would treat us any different than Solomon?

We must fight against anything and everything that would turn our heart away from being completely faithful to the Lord

1 John 2:15-17 15 Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. 16 For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father but are from this world. 17 And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever