The Gospel of John # 3 – the eternal Word

The Gospel of John has a very simple Outline

John 1: 1 – John 1: 18
Introduction: which tells us that the eternal ‘Word’ of God is Jesus Christ who came into the World

John 1: 19 – John 20: 31
Middle: describes Jesus ministry to the public (Graphic) and private (Graphic) ministry to the disciples, Jesus death, burial and resurrection and John’s purpose in writing his Gospel

John 21: 1-25
Conclusion: in which Jesus brings His earthly ministry with His disciples to an end

Although the Gospel of John is very simple in its Outline it is considered by Bible scholars to be the greatest Book in all the Bible and the very highest level of theological understanding because it was authored by the closest observer of Christ’s life and ministry – ‘the disciple Jesus loved’, John

As Mount Everest towers over and above all other mountains in the world – the Gospel of John towers over and above all other Books of the Bible

Now, if you were planning to climb Mt. Everest, where would you begin climbing?

But, when we begin the Gospel of John, we don’t start at the bottom, we start at the top, the summit, the very highest level of all theological understanding

While the synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke) begin with Jesus family history, his birth in an animal stable in Bethlehem and the first days of His ministry,

John starts his Gospel in eternity – We are introduced to the eternal ‘Word’ of God, Jesus Christ in all His glory and majesty, Creator of the Universe and the Light and Life to Mankind

John 1: 1-5 The eternal ‘Word’

Before we go on and learn about the eternal ‘Word’, let me say a few things about the importance of words

Words are important because they reveal and explain truth to us

In our ‘Western’ culture, 50 years ago, it was accepted that words reveal and explain truth (‘modern’ era)/truth era)

But, over the last 50 years our ‘Western’ culture has declined so much that it is now not accepted that words reveal and explain truth (‘post-modern’ era/post-truth era)

Today our ‘Western’ culture says “What you perceive to be true is true for you, and what someone else perceives to be true is equally valid and true for them”

Example with Graphics: 50 years ago, if a baby was born a boy, it was considered true, to call it a boy (gender is determined by xy chromosomes and ‘plumbing’)

But, today, if a baby is born a boy (gender is determined by xy chromosomes and ‘plumbing’), if its parents perceive it to be a girl, then it is valid and true for them to call the baby boy, a girl!

In our post-modern/post-truth ‘Western’ culture, words are losing their meaning

Sadly, this kind of ‘post-modern’/post-truth thinking has even invaded Christian thinking!

When it comes to the Word of God, have you ever heard Christians say something like this – “What does this Bible verse mean to you”?
Example: John 1: 1

This is ‘post-modern’/post-truth thinking

The correct question to ask is: “What does this Bible verse mean”?

As we come to the Word of God today, let us all be reminded of Proverbs 30: 5a ‘Every word that God speaks is true’

Here are 3 truths we learn about the eternal ‘Word’

The eternal ‘Word’ is God John 1: 1-2
This is the simplest, clearest and most accurate statement in all the Bible that the eternal ‘Word’, Jesus Christ, is God
John 1: 14 & 18

The eternal ‘Word’ is God, not a god, a created being, but, the One, True, Sovereign God Who has always existed
John 8: 24, Galatians 1: 7-9

The eternal ‘Word’ created all things John 1: 3
The eternal ‘Word’, Jesus Christ, created all things in the Universe, seen and unseen including invisible spiritual beings (like angels), and, the very greatest of His creations, Man (Mankind) who He made in His own image and likeness
Genesis 1: 26-27, Genesis 2: 7, Colossians 1: 16, Hebrews 1: 2

Although God made Man (Mankind) in His own image and likeness, full of Life and Light, Man (Mankind) sinned against God and descended into spiritual darkness and death Genesis 3

The eternal ‘Word’ brings Life and Light to those living in spiritual darkness
John 1: 4-5
The eternal ‘Word’ is the source of Life and Light

And to those who receive that Life and Light they are rewarded with salvation and eternal Life

But to those who reject that Life and Light they are condemned to remain in spiritual darkness, forever separated from the love of God
John 8: 12, Romans 1: 18-21

At the conclusion of Jesus public ministry, He said this:
John 12: 46-48 46 ‘I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in Me will no longer remain in the dark. 47 I will not judge those who hear Me but don’t obey Me, for I have come to save the world and not to judge it. 48 But all who reject Me and My message will be judged on the day of judgment by the truth I have spoken’.

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