Control By Fear

Yup, here we go again!

Our Socialist government in NZ has been using this COVID-19 Pandemic to control our population by fear. The PM announced earlier this year that if we do not ‘lockdown’ the entire Country, “hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders WOULD die”. And so, much of the Country was closed down by fear for months. As a result, thousands of people are now out of work and countless businesses are closed forever. The economy has been wrecked and put in a debt that will never be paid off in our lifetimes.

During the lockdown, the government rushed through laws liberalizing abortion to the furthest possible measure to where now full-term babies can now be murdered. Guns were confiscated from law-abiding citizens and police given the power, without a warrant, to come into your home to enforce ‘social distancing’.

Babies are murdered pre-birth and the elderly will soon be euthanized, willingly and inevitably unwillingly. And all those in the middle will have legal access to drugs. Kill us off at both ends and drug the ones in the middle; control.

You were prohibited in your normal day to day family and business routine all the while government officials were not. Many of us were labelled ‘non-essential’. Really!? Since when was the Body of Christ ‘non-essential’?

However, political activists like Black Lives Matter were allowed to meet without ‘social-distancing’ but you were not allowed to go to Church.

At this time, the government have also been developing radical so called ‘Hate Speech’ legislation that is designed to remove free speech in New Zealand. If this law passes, we will be restricted on what we can say in Churches, from God’s Word, to the Body of Christ. Outrageous!

Everything this government is doing is moving New Zealand further down the road to full on Socialism; think Venezuela, Zimbabwe, North Korea and China. Our basic human rights and civil liberties in NZ have received the biggest hit from this government than at any time in our short history as a nation.

During the lockdown, and seeing the lines of people, appropriately social-distanced and masked, I remarked to Jennifer that you can easily foresee multitudes of people lining up to receive the Mark of The Beast. Control by fear.

And now, today’s announcement, it is reported that 4 people in Auckland have contracted COVID-19, so the government is locking down Auckland for 3 days and the rest of the Country goes to Level 2. I got an email from my Supermarket this morning that shoppers will be under enforced social distancing and hand sanitizing precautions. Why? Unbelievable!

I urge you to resist this latest onslaught of fearmongering, turn off the media, and fight back with the Word of God and Prayer. Speak up in faith with your school friends, your colleagues, and most importantly our brothers and sisters in Christ.

I was hugely encouraged just last week with a Statement coming from a prominent Church in California saying that they will resist the orders of the State Governor to stay locked down indefinitely, preferring to obey God rather than ‘Caesar’. Follow the link here to read the Statement yourself:

This week I was asking the Lord why do people, the unbelieving and some ‘Christians’ gravitate to fear? When offered the option of freedom, instead they choose fear and captivity. They vehemently support it, defend it, submit to it and embrace it willingly and batter you if you do not!

The Lord was very clear with me, they are ‘enslaved to sin’. Yes, we know that the unbeliever is a sinner, yes, they sin against God, but we forget they are ‘enslaved to sin’. The unbeliever PREFERS ‘slavery to sin’ than freedom in Christ.

Galatians 3: 22 ‘But the Scriptures declare that we are all prisoners of sin, so we receive God’s promise of freedom only by believing in Jesus Christ’

When the Lord delivered Israel from slavery in Egypt, unbelieving Israel longed to return to their slavery. They didn’t want freedom! God had to leave that generation of unbelievers to die in the wilderness and only allowed a new generation led by Joshua to enter the Promised Land.

2 Peter 2: 22 ‘They prove the truth of this proverb: “A dog returns to its vomit.” And another says, “A washed pig returns to the mud.”

Dear friends, we need to be reminded that the unbelieving are controlled by the devil and rush to do his will; they are opposed to and hostile to you and the will of God

Romans 8: 7 ‘For the sinful nature is always hostile to God. It never did obey God’s laws, and it never will’

John 17: 14 ‘I have given them Your word. And the world hates them because they do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to the world’.

Ephesians 2:2 ‘You used to live in sin, just like the rest of the world, obeying the devil—the commander of the powers in the unseen world. He is the spirit at work in the hearts of those who refuse to obey God’.

Please pray, let’s draw our International Church Family closer together in love than ever before, let’s resist the control the unbelieving world seeks to put upon us, read and study your Bible like never before, and tell the lost about Jesus! In His mercy, He will save some!

Ephesians 2: 4-5 ‘But God is so rich in mercy, and He loved us so much, that even though we were dead because of our sins, He gave us life when He raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God’s grace that you have been saved!)’
