The Best Of The Best # 28 2014 ‘Who In The Word Can Be Saved’

The Best Of The Best 

Today’s Message is part of a Series I’m calling, The Best of the Best; in this series I’m preaching what I think is the best message from each year of my 33-year pastoral ministry, which began in 1987 

So far, I have done 27 Messages (1987-2013) 

Today’s Message is # 28 and is from 2014 

The Message is called, ‘Who In The Word Can Be Saved’ 

2014 was a very busy year for our ministry 

A small Church here in Nelson asked me to Pastor their Congregation for 4 months, between February and May, and after that they wanted to combine with our Church, but in the end, we declined their request  

During that time, I preached in their 10 am Service and here in our 2 pm Service 

(They had beliefs that we did not agree with, such as, no women allowed in public ministry, and, the belief that a person can only be saved if they are water baptized) 

Also, between February and May, I taught another 12-week Perspectives On The World Christian Movement class 

And at the end of May/start of June I returned for a 2nd Missions trip to Zimbabwe, this time taking Senior Elder Philip and a longtime friend of mine Paul Sinclair  

On that trip we helped install another 8 boreholes in our ‘target’ town and we shared our testimonies and preached in 3 Churches 

(On my first trip to Zimbabwe we installed 3 new boreholes) 

After our Mission trip we took a few days off and went on safari at the Huange Safari Park in North West Zimbabwe 

Testimony: Mr. Pi 

When we arrived at the Safari Lodge, we met a group of Chinese business people who were also staying there 

I wanted to practice my Mandarin so introduced myself to one of the men and told him that I was a Christian Minister and immediately he said to me, “I want to become a Christian” 

His name was Mr. Pi and he came from Wuhan; we sat with him and led him in prayer to Jesus 

I told him that Wuhan has the most Christian Churches of any of the cities in China and that he should go join one when he returns home 

We saw him a couple of times after that and when we left the Lodge, we said goodbye and I left him my phone number 

When I got back to New Zealand, he would phone me at midnight once a week for a long time and we would talk 

So, how come Mr. Pi was so ready and willing to come to Christ but the other people with him weren’t interested!? – let’s answer that question 

Our text is: Mark 10: 17-27 

Jesus had a discussion with the rich young ruler who came to Him asking about eternal life – Jesus invited the man to follow Him, but the man rejected Christ’s invitation and walked away 

When you read this text, you can’t help thinking, “How could this man turn away from following Jesus”? 

Mark 10: 22  

The disciples were amazed at what happened! 

Mark 10: 26 ‘The disciples were astounded. “Then who in the world can be saved?” they asked’. 

Jesus replied them 

Mark 10: 27 ‘Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God.”’ 

Why did Jesus look at them intently? 

The word ‘intent’, means Jesus wanted them to be very sure they understood what He was saying 

I will ask the question again 

How come Mr. Pi was ready and willing to come to Christ, and the other people with him weren’t even interested? 

(When I began my conversation with him, I didn’t even tell Him about Jesus) 

Let me look at you intently, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God.”’ 

Jesus invitation to the rich young ruler proves the point that it is impossible for our sinful human nature to willingly surrender to Jesus Christ 

The rich young ruler said he wanted eternal life but when Jesus called him to follow Him, his sinful nature was unwilling and wouldn’t allow him 

Mark 10: 17, 21-22  

Let us be reminded again of the true condition of our sinful human nature 

Genesis 6: 5 ‘The Lord observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth, and He saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil’ 

Ephesians 2: 1-3 ‘Once you were dead because of your disobedience and your many sins. You used to live in sin, just like the rest of the world, obeying the devil—the commander of the powers in the unseen world. He is the spirit at work in the hearts of those who refuse to obey God. All of us used to live that way, following the passionate desires and inclinations of our sinful nature. By our very nature we were subject to God’s anger, just like everyone else’. 

Notice: Paul said that in our sinful human condition, we are alive to the devil but dead to God 

Here in our text, Jesus was talking to a DEAD man, in his sinful human condition he was dead to God and unwilling to follow Jesus! 

That’s why he walked away! 

And that’s why Jesus said in reply to the disciple’s question, ‘who in the World can be saved’? 

Mark 10: 27a “Humanly speaking, it is impossible” 

So, who in the world can be saved? 

Jesus said 

Mark 10: 27b “Everything is possible with God” 

People can only get saved when God the Father draws us to Christ 

John 6: 44 ‘For no one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws them to Me, and at the last day I will raise them up’.  

And as God draws us to Christ, He makes us willing to come; this is called Grace! 

John 6: 37 ‘However, those the Father has given Me will come to Me, and I will never reject them’ 

I will never forget that day in Africa 2014, Mr. Pi got saved, not because of anything we did, or anything Mr. Pi did, but because, in His Grace, the Father was drawing Mr. Pi to Christ, making him willing to come; and we were there, by the Providence of God to see it! 

The Best Of The Best # 27 2013 ‘Starting New Ministry’

Today’s Message is part of a Series I’m calling, The Best of the Best; in this series I’m preaching what I think is the best message from each year of my 33-year pastoral ministry, which began in 1987 

So far, I have done 26 Messages (1987-2012) 

Today’s Message is # 27 and is from 2013 

The Message is called, ‘Starting New Ministry’ 

2013 was a year of starting new ministry 

In May 2013 Henry and Pastor Xiao Yuan returned to Asia where Henry looked for a new work contract and where eventually Ps. Kong started a new ministry, which became the mighty QCHC 

In September 2013 I went to Zimbabwe for the first of 4 trips there to help a town with their water supply and to preach in their Churches 

The town we ‘adopted’ was called Torwood and had a population of 30, 000 people, 95% unemployment rate, limited electricity and very limited water supply 

While there I did leadership classes and preached in 2 Churches  

Also, in 2013, we finished our Message Series through the Book of Acts 

(2, 000 hours of preparation for 98 Messages) 

Here’s the last Message in that Series called, ‘Starting New Ministry’ 

Acts 28: 11-31 

The Great Apostle Paul is in Rome under house arrest 

Coming to the end of the Book of Acts, it would be easy to think that this was the end of the Apostle Paul’s ministry 

Yes, Acts 28 records the end of Paul’s Church ‘planting’ ministry  

Between AD 41-60 (almost 20 years) Paul did 3 Mission trips 

Acts 28 also records the start of Pauls’ new ministry in Rome 

Following the example of the Apostle Paul – let’s learn 3 strategies for starting new ministry 

1/ Talk to the local leaders about the reason your ministry has come to their city 

 Acts 28: 17-22 

Paul invited the local Jewish leaders to his accommodation and explained to them about his arrest in Jerusalem and why he had to appeal his case to be tried before the Emperor (Nero) in Rome 

AD 60-62 (2 years) 

The local Jewish leaders wanted to hear more about Paul and his ministry so they requested a return visit with Paul  

Acts 28: 22a ‘we want to hear what you believe’ 

When we extend honor and hospitality to unbelieving leaders, we open up opportunities to talk with them about Jesus 


When we first arrived in Torwood, the local policeman took us to the Police Station and demanded to know why “you ugly white people” had come to their town 

Once we explained why we there, to bring Aid, and that I was a Christian Minister, he was very happy and said that he would support us being in their town  

2/ Talk to the local leaders about the Message of your ministry 

 Acts 28: 23  

Paul knew that the local Jewish leaders respected the Word of God, so he used the Law and the Prophets, to patiently explain to them about the Kingdom of God and about Jesus, their Messiah (Savior) and the Hope of Israel 

Acts 28: 20b 

If you want to start a new ministry, you must know the Word of God 


After a few days in Torwood, I got to meet several of the local Civic leaders who also offered to support our Aid project and I got to meet several Christian ministers and when I explained to them my ministry and Message, they invited me to speak in their churches 

3/ Don’t waste your time with people who reject your ministry 

 Acts 28: 24-27

As Paul did, we need to spend some time with people who reject our ministry 

Paul only spent 1 day with those who rejected his ministry but spent the next 2 years with those people who accepted it 

Let me ask you a question 

Do you think there was anything wrong with Jesus ministry? – No! Of course, not 

Do you think there was anything wrong with Paul’s ministry? – No! Of course, not 

Do you think there is anything wrong with your ministry? – No! Of course, not 

As some rejected both Jesus and Paul’s ministry, some will reject your ministry too 

Acts 28: 26-27 


One time, during the Book of Acts Message series in our Church, one person in our Church at that time said to me privately, “Pastor David, we don’t want you to preach the Book of Acts, we just want you tell stories” 

I don’t know who the “we” were that he was referring to, but I do know he was not just rejecting my ministry, he was also rejecting the Word of God 

Dear friends, telling stories doesn’t save people – but the Word of God does! 

As Paul did, once they reject our ministry we need to ‘move on’ and take our ministry to those who will accept it 

Acts 28: 28-31 

As God has hardened the hearts of some, He has also prepared the hearts of others to receive our ministry, and, to accept the Word of God and believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior 

John 12: 37-41John 12: 42a 

Jesus said 

Luke 8: 18 “To those who listen to My teaching, more understanding will be given. But for those who are not listening, even what they think they understand will be taken away from them.” 

Who here is ready for ‘Starting New Ministry’? 

How about asking the Lord what ministry He wants you start in 2021? 

I’m looking forward to 2021  

Ps’s Terrense and Shalom will be starting new ministry here @ the NIC as its new Senior Pastors 

Pastor Kong? 

I will be starting new ministry here as Emeritus Pastor and Jennifer and I will be travelling more (God willing) and ministering with our Partners in the Philippines, Mainland China, Thailand and Africa     

The Best Of The Best # 26 ‘Ministry Is Exhausting’

The Best Of The Best 

Today’s Message is part of a Series I’m calling, The Best of the Best; in this series I’m preaching what I think is the best message from each year of my 33-year pastoral ministry, which began in 1987 

So far, I have done 25 Messages (1987-2011) 

Today’s Message is # 26 and is from 2012 

The Message is called, ‘Ministry Is Exhausting’ 

2012 was a very good year here at the NIC  

On Sunday 26th August we presented Pastor Kong with her well-earned 4-year Diploma In Ministry, and, we ordained her to fulltime Ministry – very good!

 2012 was also an exhausting year in our ministry 

Once a month, for about 8 months, we went to Blenheim on a Sunday night to do meetings for the Chinese there  

After our 2 pm Service here, myself, Ps. Kong and Henry and some of our NIC members went over to Blenheim to do a 6pm Service, then after the Service, we would arrive back in Nelson at 10 pm, and then, Kina Beach at 10.45 pm 

You might be thinking, “why would anyone do that”? 

We did it because the Apostle Paul has instructed us to work hard in the ministry 

2 Timothy 4: 5b-6 ‘Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you’.  

Our great inspiration and motivation for ministry is the example of the Apostle Paul 

I Corinthians 15: 10b ‘I have worked harder than any of the other apostles; yet it was not I but God who was working through me by His grace’. 

Let’s take some time to be inspired and motivated by the Apostle Paul’s ministry at Ephesus  

Towards the end of Paul’s 2nd Missions trip (54 AD), he was travelling from Corinth back to his home Church at Antioch, via Ephesus, Caesarea, and Jerusalem  

Acts 18: 18-22 

From Antioch, Paul, came back to Ephesus to begin his 3rd Missions trip and stayed there for 3 years  

Acts 19: 1 

Paul found a small group of believers there who under Paul’s ministry received the mighty baptism with the Holy Spirit and were water baptized in the Name of Jesus 

This was the start of the new Church at Ephesus 

Acts 19: 2-7 

Then, Paul would go to the synagogue, for 3 months, and preached about the Kingdom of God. Some of them became believers in Jesus 

Acts 19: 8-9a 

Then, Paul built up the new Church by preaching and teaching the Word of God to the believers, both Jews and Gentiles, who lived in Ephesus, and, with visitors who came from ‘throughout the Province’ 

Tradition tells us that Paul’s ‘daily discussions’ would begin at 11am and finish at 4pm – Paul did this for 2 years. That’s just over 3,000 hours of ministry time   

Acts 19: 9b-10a 

That was not all Paul did in Ephesus 

Before Paul started his ‘daily discussions’ in the Lecture Hall of Tyrannus, he would begin his day by working at his trade of tentmaking, to support himself, and, also to support some of his students 

Acts 20: 34 

Then, early in the evening, Paul would visit the new leaders of the Ephesian Church in their homes 

Acts 20: 20 

Then, later in the evening, Paul would return to his accommodation and write letters to the Churches 

1 Corinthians 16: 8 

And during his ‘spare’ time, Paul supervised the start of 8 new Churches in the Province 

Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea Revelation 2-3 

Colossae Colossians 1: 7 

Hierapolis Colossians 4: 13 

The Church at Ephesus became the ‘Base’ for missions to Asia, Macedonia and Achaia and was the 2nd most influential Church in the Roman Empire, second only to Antioch  

Acts 19: 10, 22 

During this time of intense ministry, the city of Ephesus experienced great revival and also great opposition to Paul  

Acts 19: 11-41 

Paul trained up new leaders for the Church in Ephesus including Onesiphorus, Trophimus, Erastus (the City Treasurer) and several Elders  

2 Timothy 1: 16-18Acts 21: 29; Romans 16: 23; Acts 20: 17-38 

Paul also invited other well-known ministry leaders to come to Ephesus to help him including Priscilla and Aquilla, Tychicus, Timothy and Epaphras  

Acts 18: 18, 26; 2 Timothy 4: 12, 1 Timothy 1: 3, Colossians 1: 7, 4: 12   

As you can see, Paul’s 3 years in Ephesus was incredibly productive – but, exhausting! 

Writing from Ephesus to the Church at Corinth, Paul talked about 

1 Corinthians 15: 22 ‘fighting wild beasts—those people of Ephesus’ 

2 Corinthians 1: 8 ‘We think you should know, dear brothers and sisters, about the trouble we went through in the province of Asia. We were crushed and overwhelmed beyond our ability to endure, and we thought we would never live through it’ 

When Paul finally left Ephesus and continued his 3 Missions trip, later, on his way back to Jerusalem, Paul stopped at Miletus and called the Elders of the Ephesian Church to come and meet him there (AD 60)  

Acts 20: 2217 

Because of Paul’s faithful ministry at Ephesus the leaders of the Church loved him 

Acts 20: 36-38 ‘When he had finished speaking, he knelt and prayed with them. They all cried as they embraced and kissed him good-bye. They were sad most of all because he had said that they would never see him again. Then they escorted him down to the ship’. 

Arriving in Jerusalem, Paul was arrested, imprisoned and sent to Rome to stand trial before the Emperor. It was from Rome where Paul appointed Timothy to Pastor the Church at Ephesus and supervise all the other new Churches in the Province of Asia 

1 Timothy 1: 3 

Dear friends, 

Paul’s ministry at Ephesus should be an inspiration and a motivation to all of us to expend our lives in the service of God – no matter how exhausting it can be 

I Corinthians 15: 10b ‘I have worked harder than any of the other apostles; yet it was not I but God who was working through me by His grace’.