‘Best of the Best’

“Dear Pastor David, thanks so very much for your excellent book. I’ve been reading it and to me it is a power testimony of your missionary outreach throughout Asia and the many Scriptural principles relating to mission and Gospel ministry.  It is certainly very interesting, and I have learned a lot. I pray the Lord will continue to use you and open many doors that you can continue your ministry here in our part of the world. I thank the Lord for you and your ministry to the Nations, especially to our Chinese people. God bless you and may you have many more years of ministry to these and other Nations”​

Pastor Dennis Balcombe


Revival Chinese Ministries International (Hong Kong)

Revival Christian Church (Hong Kong)

Author: ‘One Journey One Nation’ and ‘China’s Opening Door’

On sale now through REALNZBooks

Click on this Link: The Best of the Best – The CopyPress

This book includes my Ministry Autobiography and what I consider to be the best Message I preached in each year of my Pastoral Ministry which I have selected from my archive of over 2,500 messages. Each chapter retells a vivid recollection of my experiences, realizations, and lessons from the Lord at that time.

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